Dexafree – when to use, precautions

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What is the composition of the drug? When can Dexafree be used? Are there any contraindications to the application of the preparation? Dexafree is primarily recommended for eye inflammation. The drug is in the form of eye drops, it contains dexamethasone sodium phosphate, i.e. dexamethasone. Can the drops be used by everyone?

What exactly is Dexafree? What is the composition of the drug? Dexafree are eye drops recommended for topical use, specifically into the conjunctival sac. The drops contain dexamethasone, a drug from the group of corticosteroids.

Dexafree – when to use

The main active substance of the drops is a drug from the group of corticosteroids. When applied to the conjunctival sac, its task is not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-allergic and anti-swelling. The preparation is applied topically, at the time of application it is absorbed through the undamaged area of ​​the cornea. Absorption is enhanced when the corneal epithelium is damaged or irritated.

  1. When should the preparation be used?
  2. Marginal keratitis
  3. Episcleritis
  4. Scleritis
  5. Uveitis of the anterior segment of the eye
  6. Acute inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye in allergic conditions

Dexafree is recommended when anti-inflammatory NSAIDs are ineffective or when their use is contraindicated for various reasons.

Dexafree – precautions

Dexafree cannot be used by everyone. The drops cannot be used in the treatment of people who are allergic to any of the ingredients of the preparation. Dexafree should not be used in the event of ulceration, perforation or trauma to the cornea. The drops cannot be used by people diagnosed with intraocular hypertension. Dexafree is an agent recommended for drug-resistant eye infections, for example in the course of fungal and bacterial infections, viral infections of the conjunctiva and cornea, in amoebic keratitis.

In some cases, it is advisable to conduct check-ups before using the preparation. The drug should only be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist, who must be dosed according to the information provided in the package leaflet. The agent is intended only for local and external use. Long-term treatment with the drug in young children is not recommended, as there is a risk of adrenal suppression. During treatment, you should be constantly monitored for any other symptoms of infection.

Dexafree, like other medicines, can cause side effects.

  1. Watery eyes
  2. Redness of the conjunctiva
  3. Temporary visual disturbances
  4. Itching
  5. Allergic reactions
  6. Drooping eyelids
  7. Corneal thickness changes
  8. Occurrence of capsular cataracts
  9. Glaucoma

In a situation where a patient uses Dexafree and other eye drops at the same time, it is necessary to apply the preparation after a quarter of an hour break. Any worrying symptoms should be reported to the attending physician, who will decide to discontinue the drug or change its doses. In the event of any disturbing symptoms, notify a specialist who will decide on the complete discontinuation of the drug or the introduction of a substitute for it.

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