Delicious educational program: the role of vitamin C in the human body

Perhaps ascorbic acid is the most delicious of all vitamins, much loved by many since childhood. As a rule, all the knowledge about it comes down to the fact that it is useful for the immune system and for colds. However, the contribution of vitamin C to our health is much more significant.

On guard of health

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In fact, vitamin C has many functions in the body. It makes the blood vessels elastic and strong, at the same time renewing the blood. It also has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, allows the iron to be better absorbed. Vitamin C is the best friend of the immune system and the main enemy of all kinds of diseases. And not only colds. It is proven that it restores strength after a heart attack and accelerates wound healing. At the same time, this element is a powerful natural energizer that fights fatigue and fills us with vitality.

Keeping the balance

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Vitamin C in the human body does not happen much-its excess is excreted by itself. And yet it can cause harm in the form of digestive problems and nervous disorders. Vitamin C deficiency is much more dangerous. It undermines the immune system and causes malfunctions in various organs. In advanced cases, ascorbic acid deficiency threatens scurvy: tooth loss, muscle hemorrhages and depressing fatigue. So it makes sense to stick to the recommended norm. Adults on average need 100 mg of vitamin C per day, children-up to 45 mg. With physical activity, the dose is increased to 200 mg, and with the flu – to 2000 mg. Perhaps the main disadvantage of vitamin C is its instability. It is easily destroyed by exposure to the sun and high temperatures, as well as by contact with metal. Therefore, for cooking, use glass or enameled dishes and a wooden spatula. If you cook vegetables with a high content of ascorbic acid, put them in boiling water as soon as they are peeled or chopped. Otherwise, the oxygen will destroy it without a trace. And it should also be noted that vitamin C is absorbed better in combination with iron, folic acid, rutin and glucose.

Ascorbic King

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Contrary to expectations, the main product rich in vitamin C is not citrus fruits, but rose hips. A decoction of them has a restorative and tonic effect. Boil 2 tablespoons of crushed berries in 500 ml of water for 15-20 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave overnight. Sweeten the broth with honey and drink it like a regular tea. Among other things, it normalizes digestion, produces a diuretic effect, stabilizes blood pressure and improves brain processes. By the way, according to the reserves of vitamin C, sea buckthorn and blackcurrant went not far from the rosehip.

Sweet and smooth

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The second place among the products containing vitamin C is occupied by red sweet pepper. In addition, the vegetable contains vitamins P and B, which makes it especially valuable for diabetes, heart disease and nervous overload. Bell pepper stimulates the pancreas, helps to dilute blood clots and is useful for hypertension. Good news for those who are diligently losing weight. Pepper increases the secretion of gastric juice and improves intestinal peristalsis. For beauty, this vegetable is also important, because it transforms hair and nails.

Cabbage kin

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The third step of the podium was shared by Brussels sprouts and broccoli. The former is rich in folic acid, which we know enhances the benefits of vitamin C. It has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels, liver, nervous and endocrine systems. Broccoli is a miracle vegetable that prevents the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and premature aging at the cellular level. More familiar to us, white cabbage reserves of ascorbic acid is not impressive. But once it is fermented, it turns into a product that gushes with vitamin C.

Citrus Squad

Вкусный ликбез: роль витамина C в организме человека

Now let’s talk about the main fruits with vitamin C-bright juicy citrus fruits. The fourth place in the vitamin rating does not detract from their advantages. Oranges are indispensable for weak immunity, anemia, problems with digestion, liver and lungs. Lemon has antimicrobial, antioxidant and wound healing properties. Grapefruit helps to digest fatty foods, lowers the level of harmful cholesterol and removes waste products. What unites the fruits is that the essential oils based on them relieve nervous tension and tame the rampant appetite.

Green Titanium

Вкусный ликбез: роль витамина C в организме человека

Spinach completes the top five champions in terms of vitamin C content. In the composition of this green, it is absorbed in full due to the large amount of iron. The enormous amount of fiber in spinach turns it into a” brush ” for the intestines, which completely sweeps out harmful substances. Doctors recommend leaning on this herb for those who are recovering from a long illness or experiencing serious mental stress. Women should love spinach for the fact that it makes the skin smooth, hair-lush, and nails-strong.

Ascorbic acid is an important building block in the foundation of our health. And we must constantly maintain its strength. The generous gifts of summer contribute to this as well as possible. We need to include them in the family diet more often.

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