Definition of lumbar arthrodesis

Definition of lumbar arthrodesis

THEarthrodesis lumbar is a surgical intervention which consists in permanently fusing one or more vertebrae painful lumbar spine, to eliminate movement between them and make them behave like a single strong bone.


Why perform lumbar arthrodesis?

The surgeon can perform a lumbar arthrodesis in the following cases:

  • lower back pain, called low back pain. These can be caused by damage to the intervertebral discs (wear and tear, herniated discs, inflammation or edema). Such conditions are often of degenerative origin (joint aging).
  • injuries or fractures of the bones of the spine
  • instability of the spine due to infection or tumor
  • spondylolisthesis : condition characterized by the sliding of a vertebra in front of the vertebra located below or behind it
  • or in case of spinal stenosis : narrowing of part of the spine causing irritation to the spinal cord or to the roots of one or more nerves

Note that this type of spine surgery is only recommended under certain conditions and when the surgeon is able to locate the source of the pain, thanks to imaging tests (such as X-rays, CT scans or MRIs). ).

The course of arthrodesis

Lumbar arthrodesis is performed under general anesthesia.

The surgeon makes an incision in order to access the spine:

  • directly in lower back
  • on the side
  • or on the lower abdomen

The size of the incision will depend on the number of vertebrae to be consolidated.

To immobilize the vertebrae and allow fusion between them, it is necessary to use a metallic material: screws, plates or even rods to be placed between the vertebrae to be fused. The doctor then uses bone grafts to connect the two vertebrae together, helped by the metal hardware. The bone used is most often taken from the pelvis. A synthetic or animal bone substitute may be added to increase the volume of the graft.

The incision is finally closed and the patient remains in the hospital for a few days.

The results of arthrodesis

By welding the painful vertebrae together, lumbar arthrodesis helps prevent painful joint problems. It also prevents stretching of surrounding muscles, nerves and ligaments. On the other hand, it reduces a little the flexibility of the spine, without limiting the overall movement of this one.

You should know that the fusion process takes time, sometimes several months before the bone is completely solid. But the level of comfort improves more quickly, and the patient can gradually resume physical activity.

The doctor (and possibly the occupational therapist) will give advice on getting around properly, sitting down, getting up, etc. In addition to lumbar arthrodesis, he may also offer medical treatment (such as anti-inflammatory or analgesics) and functional rehabilitation.

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