Dangerous season: how to strengthen immunity?

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Winter is called the season of colds for a reason. Unstable weather, vitamin deficiencies, stress and high workload weaken our immunity. How can you improve the health of your entire family and protect yourself from viruses?

First of all, you should reconsider your lifestyle in the cold season. Despite the cloudy weather, do not forget to do physical activity and sports: let it be jogging in the park (take care of light and warm clothes) or even exercise at home. A healthy lifestyle strengthens the body at any time of the year. Also, pay attention to your diet. You can give up bread and sweets, but just not from fresh vegetables and fruits, which we already consume in smaller quantities compared to summer. If the weather forces you to spend more time at home, arrange a light dinner for your family and friends, and put green salads, freshly squeezed juices and sea fish on the table – a vitamin cocktail is guaranteed!

It is equally important to revise the home first-aid kit: in the fall, it contains indispensable means to increase immunity and fight infectious diseases, because their acute outbreak occurs precisely at this time of the year. Our choice – immunomodulator “Polyoxidonium”, which has a complex positive effect on the body and is suitable even for babies from 6 months. The ability to take the drug for children is especially important during the dangerous season, as the growing body reacts to infections with high fever, nausea, muscle aches and headaches. Special active groups in the drug molecule help to absorb soluble toxic substances and microparticles that have a harmful effect on cells and tissues, and then remove them from the body.

Due to its unique properties, the drug quickly reduces intoxication, facilitating the course of the disease from the first days of use. “Polyoxidonium” effectively fights viruses at different stages: before, during and after the disease, so you can start the course reception at any time. If you are already undergoing treatment with other drugs, the immunomodulator will be easily combined with the drugs prescribed by your doctor.

One of the main advantages of “Polyoxidonium” – the ability to provide immunomodulatory, detoxifying, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in combination. An excellent reason to conduct effective family prevention right now!

Photo: Thinkstock

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