Dangerous bream diseases

The bream, like other representatives of the ichthyofauna, is prone to diseases, and a wide variety of ailments can defeat it. Some of them are fatal, while others will adversely affect the appearance and behavior of the fish. Why the bream immediately blushes after being caught, what diseases of the bream are known and whether it is dangerous for humans, we will find out further.

How sick bream

The bream belongs to the cyprinids, respectively, many of the characteristic features of these fish are characteristic of it. Among other things, they will be united by the diseases to which they are susceptible. Most often, when fishing, anglers notice such manifestations:

  • the bream has red spots on the scales;
  • floats on the surface of the reservoir and is not afraid when danger approaches;
  • black dots all over the body;
  • non-standard gill color.

In addition, cases of catching an ichthyoger with ulcers on the body, large and smaller, have become more frequent.

It should be understood that healthy fish in any reservoir should not have flaws:

  • the body is even, smooth, with correctly laid scales;
  • gills pink, without inclusions;
  • eyes of normal size, not cloudy.

If defects, even minor ones, are noticed on the surface of the body, most likely they will indicate the illness of the caught specimen.

Where do diseases come from in water bodies? Most often, the infection is carried with live bait, but runoff from urban sewage treatment plants and farms can render huge water areas unusable. Infection often also occurs from fry during artificial stocking of water bodies that have not undergone a veterinary-ichthyological examination.

Diseases and their signs

There are not so few diseases in bream, as it might seem at first glance. It is susceptible to many parasites and viruses, and in water bodies with a weak current, infection occurs faster. Recognizing diseases is not difficult, it is enough to know the main signs of a particular disease.

Dangerous bream diseases

Most often, this representative of cyprinids suffers from the main 6 diseases that the angler must be able to distinguish. Next, we will dwell on each of them in more detail.


Why does the bream float on the surface of the water and does not react to the impending danger? He was struck by an infectious disease, which is popularly called rubella. You can recognize the disease by swelling of the whole body, ruffled scales, bulging eyes, a large number of red wounds and scars.

It is better to remove such fish from the reservoir so as not to infect other individuals. You can try to treat with milk of lime or just bury it away from the reservoir.

They do not eat it, one appearance does not contribute to this.


Black-spotted disease is characterized by dark, almost black spots all over the body of the caught fish. It is very common, it is caused by certain helminths carried by herons in water bodies. Not only bream suffers from the disease, roach is also often susceptible to infection.


A fungal disease of fish that enters the individual through minor skin lesions. Moreover, they apply not only to fish, but also to caviar. These fungi develop even at low temperatures, they are characterized by such manifestations:

  • small ulcers on the body with a characteristic cottony coating;
  • white small dots on the gills of the bream;
  • the absence of one or more fins.

All types of freshwater fish are susceptible to attack by fungi, both in rivers with running water and in lakes with stagnant water. It is impossible to eat such a catch, and it is not advisable to return it to the reservoir. From fungal diseases, the fish will gradually lose activity, weaken and die.


If the bream is covered in ulcers, then this is definitely an ailment. It is characterized by a superficial lesion of almost any fish in the reservoir. You should not be afraid of him, after removing the scales from the individual, all visible signs will go away. The catch is often cooked but carefully cooked.


This disease is characterized by a slightly swollen abdomen, in which tapeworms are found in multiple numbers. Birds that eat them also become infected from fish.


Almost all cyprinids are susceptible to this disease at a young age. You can recognize it by dense paraffin-like growths on the body. Other species from the reservoir are not susceptible to this disease.


Possible danger to humans

It should be understood that most of the diseases of their inhabitants are not terrible for a person, but it is better not to risk it. If the bream swims fearlessly on the surface of the water and is given to the hands, such a fish is definitely not worth eating.

From the inhabitants of the reservoir, a person can get various diseases:

  • worms, which can provoke diseases of varying complexity, up to cancer;
  • poisoning, which occurs indigestion.

The remaining ailments are not terrible for a person, and even these are likely to enter the body due to improper preparation of the catch.

How to avoid infection

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible infection with diseases from fish with obvious defects, it is worth knowing and applying the simplest rules for preparing the product and its heat treatment.

Dangerous bream diseases

Before cooking you need:

  • clean the catch, cut out all suspicious places;
  • remove gills and eyes;
  • rinse well;
  • Sprinkle generously with salt and set aside.

So they stand for at least half an hour, and then they begin to cook, but even here there are subtleties. It is important to fry or boil the product well in order to kill all possible parasites in it.

In no case should you try raw fish if you are unsure of its quality. Some parasites are very small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

When preparing fish for the future, it is worth knowing the following subtleties:

procurement methodhow to conduct
saltingSprinkle generously with salt and incubate for at least a day
freezingat -15 for at least two weeks

Why should red spots on bream fish be a concern? This symptom may indicate a serious illness that is dangerous for humans, so it is better not to eat such individuals.

It should be understood that it is almost impossible to disinfect water bodies, the constant migration of birds, the use of live bait from other water areas, groundwater and runoff from cities and farms will reduce this work to zero in a matter of minutes. Therefore, fish and bream, in particular, will often get sick and this should not be feared.

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