Daily calorie intake: how to calculate. Video

Daily calorie intake: how to calculate. Video

To support vital processes, energy is necessary even for the body, the owner of which prefers to lie on the sofa in front of the TV all day. Moreover, she is needed by that woman who leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports. But so that neither one nor the other gets better, each needs its own, individual daily calorie intake, which can be calculated independently.

What determines the daily calorie intake

Women who do not want to get better know very well that this does not happen, it is necessary to consume exactly as many calories daily as consumed. Naturally, if you are going to adhere to any diet in order to lose excess weight, you need to eat less than the norm, which is a personal parameter calculated taking into account individual indicators.

This norm depends not only on gender and age, but also on the lifestyle, profession and even the climate of the area where you live.

And this is natural, because in childhood and adolescence, when there is intensive growth and the skeleton is being formed, the body needs more nutrients and calories. But the elderly, who have already ceased to work intensively, a large amount of energy to maintain life is no longer required. But when an elderly person continues to physically load his body, he needs as much energy as a young one.

When calculating, it is also important to take into account gender, because the male body, by its nature, spends more energy; however, lately this has not always been the case, especially when you consider that a pregnant and lactating woman needs additional energy to bear and feed a healthy baby.

You can lose weight, even while maintaining the same daily calorie intake, only by increasing the intensity of physical activity – give up the elevator and walk

The daily calorie intake you need depends on your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the required minimum of calories that the body must provide, which is in a state of absolute rest. Even when you are lying down, you need a certain amount of energy to maintain physiological processes. SBI does not address your physical activity needs.

To calculate this indicator, you can use one of two formulas – Harris-Benedict, proposed by him in 1919, or Mifflin-Saint Geor, which has been used since 2005

The first one also makes it possible to more accurately estimate the HEI for those whose lifestyle is characterized by high physical activity, but in the general case, the correct calculation of the HEI can be done according to the second formula.

According to the Harris-Benedict formula, for women:

  • BOO = 655,1 + 9,6 * M + 1,85 * P – 4,68 * B, where M is body weight in kilograms
  • P – height in centimeters
  • B – age (whole number of years)

You can use the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula, which is currently recommended by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) to determine the basic calorie requirement for women: BOO = 9,99 * M + 6,25 * P – 4,92 * B – 161.

But, of course, the obtained BMR value should be adjusted taking into account the degree of your physical activity, for which an appropriate coefficient is applied.

  • so, if you lead a very sedentary lifestyle and lie on the couch or sit at the computer all day long, this coefficient will be equal to 1,2
  • in the case when you do light work during the day or do some kind of physical exercise or at least exercise 3-4 times a week, it will be equal to 1,375
  • if your work is connected with physical efforts of moderate severity or you go to workout 4-5 times a week, your correction factor will be 1,4625
  • intense physical activity or training 4-5 times a week gives you the opportunity to use the coefficient of 1,55
  • when you actually do manual labor or exercise daily, the ratio will be 1,6375
  • for athletes who train intensively 2 times a day, it is 1,725

Do not be afraid of the large number of parameters and the complexity of the formulas given – on many sites on the Internet dedicated to diets, you can calculate your daily calorie intake for free by entering all the necessary parameters: height, weight, age, indicating the degree of physical activity and choosing either of these two formulas.

The diet must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Reduce calories by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats, but they should still be present in the diet

How to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake when dieting

Any diet for weight loss is based on creating and maintaining an artificial calorie deficit for a certain period. You should be aware that fast diets on the brink of starvation, when the daily number of calories is reduced to 500 or even less, end up with a subsequent set of the original weight and are fraught with serious health problems. To avoid this, use the so-called long diets, in which the deficit of your body’s daily calorie requirement will not exceed 15–20%, and after a few months you will be able to lose weight without harm to your health.

Only with the right calorie count for your diet can you achieve the slimming effect.

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