Cupping massage for cellulite

Many people mistakenly believe that cellulite is a companion of excess weight. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Many women whose weight is kept within the normal range also have skin problems on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The fact is that hormonal failures, as well as violations of lipid metabolism, lead to stagnation, during which the cells of the adipose tissue are deformed by accumulated toxins and toxins. They turn into dense bumps, as they are filled with excess water, and form a so-called “orange peel”on the female body. In beauty salons, experts suggest trying cupping massage against cellulite. According to them, this is the fastest and surest way to achieve the desired result.

This technique has proven itself well and is in demand. But along with positive reviews, there are also not very flattering ones. So that the result does not disappoint, it is important to learn about this type of massage as much as possible, and also learn how to do it correctly if you are going to fight cellulite at home.

We will note what advantages the cupping massage from cellulite has. This type of massage affects not only cellulite, in addition, it is able to cope with many health problems. It’s related. first of all, due to the fact that during the cupping massage, blood and lymph begin to circulate better, the metabolic processes in our body are accelerated. You can even feel how the pain in the muscles has gone away, the sensitivity of the skin has improved, which has been disturbed for some reason. After a good cupping massage from cellulite, relaxation appears throughout the body, stiffness of the spine and joints disappears.

Please note, like any other procedure, cupping massage for cellulite has contraindications. In no case can it be done during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of certain diseases. So, you will have to give up cupping massage if:

  1. your skin is sensitive, there are its inflammatory diseases, in the area of the intended massage there are birthmarks and age spots;
  2. there are benign or malignant neoplasms;
  3. there are diseases of the blood or it does not clot well;
  4. there is a diagnosis of “thrombosis”, “thrombophlebitis” or ” varicose veins»;
  5. you have contracted an infectious disease;
  6. at this time, rheumatism, tuberculosis, or a lung abscess worsened.

If you do not have these diseases, you can do a cupping massage for cellulite. It can be done in the salon, as well as at home. Since this procedure is not cheap, it is better to spend money on something else, and do massage at home, thereby saving the family budget. Let’s now analyze what is necessary for a home cupping massage.

It will be great if you have a friend in misfortune and you can fight cellulite together, helping each other to do a cupping anti-cellulite massage. Of course, you can perform this procedure yourself, just so it will be a little more painful because it will be difficult to achieve complete relaxation.

So, for a home cupping massage against cellulite, you will need:

  • any oil for massage (the usual sunflower or olive oil is suitable),
  • special jars,
  • perseverance and patience.

The principles of cupping massage against cellulite are as follows.

  1. Starting the procedure, remember that the massage must be done on clean skin, after water treatments. Unlike honey anti-cellulite massage, you do not need to steam the skin.
  2. To make the procedure of cupping anti-cellulite massage less painful, warm up your body. To do this, knead, massage, pinch those areas that will be affected.
  3. Apply anti-cellulite oil to the body. This will give the jar a glide on the skin.
  4. Apply the jar to the skin, press down on it from above. At the same time, the jar should be quite easy to suck.
  5. Imagine yourself as an artist, “draw” lines, zigzags and circles on the body with a jar or brush. Sliding should be easy and not cause difficulties. If the jar still moves with difficulty, you are in pain, then let a little air into it.
  6. When the skin in the affected area becomes reddish, finish massaging the massaged area. It should take you about a quarter of an hour to massage one “cellulite” area.
  7. After a cupping massage, it is recommended to lie down a little, covered with something warm.
  8. Perform this procedure every other day or at least 3 times a week. In order to get the result, you need to go through 10-20 sessions. The course of massage depends on the neglect of cellulite and on the result that you want to achieve.
  9. Specialists of cupping massage advise you to stock up on ointments that have venotonizing, angioprotective and decongestant effects before starting the course. After the procedure, while the body is still “not cold” from the massage, apply a cream for bruises, this will prevent them. Be prepared for the fact that the first 3-4 sessions will have to be patient.

In order to avoid any problems in the future, we do not recommend that you start a course of home cupping massage without consulting a doctor. And in order to make the cupping massage from cellulite even more effective, we advise you to combine it with physical exercise and, of course, proper nutrition.

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