«Covid skin» – unusual symptoms of Omikron infection
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British experts have compiled a list of the six most common skin symptoms that may indicate that a person has contracted Omicron. One of them are the so-called covid fingers, others are typical body rashes. So what should worry us?

  1. Experts from Great Britain have created their list based on the analysis of many reports
  2. However, they emphasize that none of these symptoms gives 100 percent. certainty that the person has contracted the coronavirus
  3. They also point out that the most common symptoms of infection with the Omikron variant are runny nose, headaches and fatigue.
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Omikron is already the dominant variant of the coronavirus in Poland. However, it is worth knowing that in order to determine which variant of the coronavirus is responsible for the infection in a given person, it is necessary to sequence the samples. And it doesn’t do this with every positive COVID-19 test. Therefore, usually an infected person does not know whether the disease was caused by the Delta, Omikron or other variants.

  1. See also: The number of infections in the world is falling, but the WHO warns: COVID is not over yet

How do you know if you are infected with COVID-19? The six most common symptoms on the skin

Based on the analysis of many reports, UK experts have compiled a list of the six most common skin symptoms that may indicate that a person is infected with the Omikron variant. Remember, however, that there is no question of 100 percent. certainty. So what should draw our special attention?

  1. covid toes: they turn red or purple, they may have itchy and painful blisters, rash and swelling,
  2. chapped, chapped or sore lips,
  3. dry and itchy skin: this symptom most often affects the neck and chest, which additionally take on a shade of intense pink; it may look like eczema,
  4. prickly rash: covers small areas, most often appears on the hands, feet and elbows, it itches and stings,
  5. type rash urticaria: manifested by raised lumps on the skin,
  6. chilblain rash: it looks like frostbite on the skin with red or purple spots, and is also covered with raised bumps that do not itch.

See also: The grim truth about Omikron in Poland. We have approx. 500 thousand infections daily

The rest of the text is below the video.

Experts point out that skin symptoms are much less frequent than typical signals indicating COVID-19 infection, i.e. persistent cough, loss of smell or taste, and high temperature. However, they add that the Omikron variant causes a smoother transition of the disease, reminiscent of a common cold. Its most common symptoms are runny nose, headaches and fatigue.

Has your skin condition worsened? Make an appointment with a dermatologist and perform a dermatoscopy.

Also read:

  1. “Beginning of the end of the epidemic”. Is this the end of the fifth wave? A chart of infections in Poland
  2. Sweden lifted almost all restrictions and opened its borders. From the beginning, it went against the tide
  3. The number of infections in the world is falling, but the WHO warns: COVID is not over yet
  4. How long have you contaminated with Omikron? [WE EXPLAIN]

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