Cooking facts that will surprise you

There is an incredible array of interesting stories from the field of culinary discoveries, historical facts, funniest moments, and traditions. We know nothing and are rarely found in the reviews.

Rice paper

Japanese washi paper used to wrap the filling is cooked actually not of rice, as the name implies. For its base, they take the bark of a Japanese paper tree. Rice paper is used for origami, but an edible option, washi, is made of rice flour.

Edible maple leaves

In Japan, a popular snack is maple leaves in deep fat. To do this, the leaves are harvested, aged in barrels with salt, and then covered with a special sweet dough and fried in oil.

No tomato ketchup

Earlier, ketchup was cooked in China with ripe tomato and pickled fish and spices. Then, the recipe has migrated to Britain, and ketchup began to be prepared of mushrooms. In the 19th century, in the American sauce recipes, they began to add tomatoes again, which displaced all the other ingredients.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

Cops and donuts

In American movies, the police often happy to eat sweet donuts, and this habit does not come out of anywhere. At night, the only opened stores were donut shops, and on-duty patrols remained nothing but to eat this food in the postwar years.

Bread from the ground

Iceland has many thermal springs and geysers, where the locals bake volcanic bread. They bury it in the ground near the exit to the surface of boiling water. The cooking process takes about a day.

Fluid from the steak

Incomplete cooking steak for many causes horror: how can you eat undercooked meat from which the blood is dripping? Actually, the fluid is protein myoglobin. It paints the meat pink.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

What is the difference between white eggs and brown

White and brown eggs are no different in taste and nutritional properties. The color of the shell depends on the breed and color of the chicken. Different prices for eggs of different colors in the store are due to the size, grade, and quality, or traditions of any country to use just a single color, as the price and demand for these eggs above.

The most harmful restaurant

In Las Vegas, there is a fast-food restaurant, which bills itself as the most harmful in the world. It is called Heart Attack Grill. His main dish is a 900-gram Burger Quadruple Bypass Burger, the energy value equal to 8000 calories. And drinking cream ButterFat Shake contains the world’s record amount of cholesterol.

Breakfast for dinner

The English word dinner is derived from old French disner, meaning “Breakfast.” In continental Europe and England, this term came to be called the main meal, which happened around noon. The main meal was gradually moved to the evening, and now dinner for the British means a hearty dinner.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

Cookies with predictions

In Chinese restaurants, in the US, and many other countries for dessert, they serve fortune cookies. Making these sweets originated in the 19th century in the Japanese temples; then biscuit spread to the American market. To associate with China, it began during the Second World war.

Sandwich with planet Earth

A crazy idea came to cooks – make the sandwich of our planet. In two opposite points of the globe simultaneously laid on the ground two pieces of bread and made a sandwich. The first sandwich was created in 2006, putting the bread in Spain and New Zealand.

Drink from the living frog

In Peru, you can try a special drink of the frogs. The alive frogs are mixed in a blender with bean soup, honey, aloe juice, and the root of the poppy plants to make it. This drink is considered to be very useful.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

Lobster for the poor man

Until the mid-19th century, lobster was considered a food of the poor Americans; they were also used as fishing bait for fish. With the growing interest in this product, It gradually moved into the category of expensive delicacy. By the way, the same story with oysters in England and France.

Darwin gourmet

Charles Darwin was curious by nature. Still being a student at Cambridge, he joined the club of gourmets who weekly tried something unusual. There he tasted the hawk and bittern’s meat and the old owl and then excluded from the group. Darwin tried the heart of pumas, armadillos, agouti (whose heart he named the most delicious), birds Nanda and Galapagos tortoises during the Beagle expedition.

English counterpart Bun

In England, the same in our tale, the main character named johnny donut. The fairy tales plot the same, only instead of a hare johnny donut at first, it takes two workers.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

Chicken Tabaka without tobacco

Dish Chicken Tabaka is in no way associated with tobacco, which is smoked. The correct name is “chicken tapaka,” which comes from the Georgian pan’s word under the name “Tapaka,” where they cook the bird.

Tricky Catholics

In the 17th century, the Archbishop of Quebec Catholic Church beavers were classified as fish. The fact that during fasting, it is forbidden to eat meat, but fish is allowed sometimes. For the same reason, the number of other animals at different times was ranked as fish. For example, the capybara and muskrat.

Greenfish bones

Like the fish body, the bones are unusual green color due to the high content in the fish’s body bile pigment called biliverdin.

Cooking facts that will surprise you

Poisonous safe delicacy

Japanese fish Fugue is known for its poisonous composition. Scientists have found that the poisonous puffer is due it eats starfish and shell. If you feed the fish with non-toxic food – its own poison is excluded. This fact is kept a secret because the high price for a pufferfish plate rests on a gourmet desire to meet with mortal danger.

Fruit carrot

The European Union is legally considered fruit, tomatoes, rhubarb, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, watermelons, and ginger. This law allows you to do the jam from these products and take them to trade abroad.

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