Complementary approaches to dental caries

Complementary approaches to dental caries


   Xilytol, propolis, cheese, tea, cranberry, hops


Xylitol. Studies5 suggested the effectiveness of xylitol in preventing cavities. This natural sweetener would inhibit the bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Chewing gums containing xylitol could therefore be beneficial for the teeth.

Propolis. Some animal tests have shown promising results from propolis, but in humans the results obtained remain mixed6. According to the author of a synthesis on the anti-caries properties of propolis, the results diverge because the composition of the propolis used during the tests varies.7.

Cheese. The consumption of cheese could, according to many studies, prevent the onset of cavities8,9,10. Those responsible for this cariogenic effect are the minerals in cheese, in particular calcium and phosphorus. They would prevent demineralization of teeth and even contribute to their mineralization11. A study12 for his part suggested the effect on caries of consuming yoghurt, without however showing the same results for other dairy products such as cheese, butter or milk.

Tea. Tea, whether green or black, would also help prevent tooth decay. It would decrease the action of an enzyme present in saliva whose role is to break down food starch into simple sugars. Green tea is said to have a beneficial effect on caries due to its polyphenols which would limit the growth of caries associated with caries.13,14,15.

Cranberry. Consuming cranberries would reduce the formation of dental plaque and tooth decay. Be careful, however, because the juices that contain it are often rich in sugars and therefore bad for oral hygiene.16.

Hop. Polyphenols, substances found in hops, slow down according to some studies17,18 the formation of dental plaque and therefore contribute to the prevention of cavities.

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