Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Fiber is one of the most important elements of human nutrition. It lowers cholesterol, cleanses the body, removes toxins, normalizes bowel function, and helps to reduce weight. Fiber is not broken down in our body, so it is a kind of whisk for all the excess.

What foods contain the most fiber?

Raspberries and blackberries

Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber. It’s even more than oat cereal. In apples, for example, only 3-4 grams. BlackBerry is on second place after raspberry. The amount of fiber is 7 grams per Cup.


Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Legumes are among the records for the ammount of fiber. Beans are the leader in 100 grams they contain 10 grams of fiber.

Whole grain

Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Products based on whole grains should definitely be added to your diet. 100 grams of product have 7 grams of fiber.

Brown rice

Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Most rich in fiber is unrefined brown rice – 100 grams of product contains 4 grams of fiber. White rice is the source of only 2 grams in the same amount of cereals.


Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Any nuts are good to snack on and additions to the basic diet. But on the amount of fiber content in their composition the leaders are the pistachios – 3 grams of fiber per 100 grams of the product.

Baked potato

Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Potatoes baked in the oven in their skins are rich in fiber and whole useful starch. Thus you should eat skin as well.

Flax seeds

Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber. It is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, lignans – substances that prevent the development of cancer. Before the use of seeds is better to grind and then add to a salad or yogurt.


Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Oatmeal is the best option to start your day. It has a lot of fiber. However, you need to choose only whole cereals that require cooking.


Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

The more crispy the greens are, the more fiber they contain. Even the most ordinary-looking sprig of greenery can be a valuable source of these important body substances.


Cleaning the body: what foods contain a lot of fiber

Soybeans contain two types of fiber — soluble and insoluble, making them a unique product. It is the undisputed leader, for 100 grams of product has 12 grams of healthy fibers.

More about foods high in fiber, watch in the video below:

What Foods Are High In Fiber?, Good Source Of Fiber

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