Chromium rich foods

Chromium (Cr) is an important trace element necessary for proper protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as to increase insulin susceptibility.

general description

Until 1977, scientists did not recognize chromium as a vital nutrient. And only as a result of the experiment it was possible to establish that patients deprived of Cr suffer from impaired glucose metabolism.

Cr is a metal element that a person needs in small quantities. Once in the body, it affects metabolic processes, regulates blood sugar and enhances the function of insulin. In addition, it is involved in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. In pharmacology, it is presented in the form of dietary supplements. Chromium is one of the trace elements that make up almost all organs and tissues of the body. The highest concentration of the element is in the bone tissue, nails and hair, so the lack of Cr primarily affects their quality. All adult cells contain approximately 6 mg of this nutrient. Cr is excreted from the body with urine, feces and exhaled air. Zinc and iron increase the effect of Cr, and an excess of calcium leads to its deficiency.

Daily need

Different schools of biochemists determine different daily Cr values. But most often, scientists call 0,2-0,25 mg of a substance per day a safe dose of chromium for an adult. It is recommended to consume no more than 25-35 mcg of a trace element per day for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Athletes, on the other hand, should increase the dose to about 200 mcg daily.

It is important to say that Cr enters the human body not only with food, but also through the air. In addition, no more than 1 percent of the pure substance is absorbed from food. Almost 30% of an element is absorbed if its source is organic compounds that contain this trace element. With age, the body’s ability to absorb chromium decreases.

The substance obtained from the air is also not completely absorbed – no more than 25 percent, the rest is removed during exhalation. Meanwhile, a long stay in areas with a high concentration of chromium (in production) can cause dysfunction of the respiratory organs.

Chromium deficiency

Chromium deficiency is rare. People whose diets are rich in refined foods are more susceptible to falling short of Cr. Also at risk are people with obesity, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. Frequent stresses, hard physical work, lack of proteins can provoke a decrease in the chromium level.

The lack of a substance is fraught with violations of metabolic processes in the body, as well as the development of reduced sensitivity to insulin.

Some sources argue that chronic Cr deficiency can cause diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, as well as cause reproductive dysfunction in men. Even a relatively small deficiency of a microelement affects the concentration of glucose in the blood, causes anxiety, and a feeling of fatigue. Impaired cholesterol metabolism caused by insufficient intake of chromium contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Growth retardation in children, long healing of wounds after injuries and surgical operations is possible.

Cr deficiency can also manifest itself:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • hair loss;
  • coordination disorders;
  • insomnia.

You can understand that the body lacks chromium by a strong desire for sweets, a constant feeling of hunger, profuse sweating and often repeated dizziness.

Health benefit

Cr takes pride of place among the dietary supplements that contribute to building muscle.

Therefore, this substance for several years is popular among bodybuilders and dieters. Also drugs containing Cr, increase endurance and add strength.

But taking supplements, it is important not to neglect tips on dosages, since an overabundance of substance causes dizziness, urticaria, headaches.

Some scientists claim that chromium can affect glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. But these claims to date have not been supported by wide medical circles. Meanwhile, the tests are ongoing. It is also believed that chromium compounds have a beneficial effect on the general condition of people with Alzheimer’s disease and amnesia. In addition, they strengthen the immune system and protect against the negative effects of infections. There is evidence that Cr helps to raise the level of “good” cholesterol, and also prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The list of the main advantages of chromium includes abilities:

  • control blood sugar levels;
  • affect the metabolism;
  • reduce appetite;
  • control cholesterol levels;
  • prevent hypertension;
  • normalize the permeability of membranes in cells;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • remove toxins, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides;
  • strengthen bone tissue, hair and nails;
  • prevent the development of cataracts (in combination with zinc).

High Chromium Products

One of the best sources of chromium is considered to be broccoli, liver, grape juice and brewer’s yeast.

Considerable replenishment of the trace element can be from potatoes, whole grains, seafood and meat. Some fruits, vegetables and spices are also able to provide chrome. Lettuce, raw onions and ripe tomatoes will also provide a daily rate of substance. But in most dairy products of this micronutrient is extremely small.

Table of chromium content in some products
Product Name (100 g)Chromium (µg)
Anchovy, crucian carp, pollock, flounder, salmon, pink salmon, sage, catfish, mackerel, cod, catfish, herring, capelin, shrimp55
Beef liver32
Beef kidneys, heart30
Chicken Leg28
Corn, broccoli22
Beef tongue, beet, chicken breast20
Pork, duck15
Peach, quail eggs14
Pearl barley, champignons13
Turkey, radish, lentil, radish11
Beef, beans, potatoes10
Lamb, chicken liver, peas9
Rabbit, Goose8

Overdose hazards

Chromium, like other trace elements and minerals, cannot cause toxic poisoning if its source is exclusively natural food. But with the reception of supplements must be careful.

It is believed that 5 mg of tetravalent chromium or 200 mg of trivalent (available in food) cause intoxication, and 3 gram of a substance can even cause death.

Chromium overdoses give rise to:

  • skin lesions;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • disruption of the kidneys, liver and nervous system.

Chronic chromium poisoning is accompanied by:

  • regular headaches;
  • a sharp decrease in weight for no apparent reason;
  • inflammations of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • eczema and dermatitis;
  • the formation of pustules.

Residents of industrial cities (where hazardous production is conducted) are at risk of chromium poisoning. An excess of this trace element in the air can trigger the development of lung cancer and asthma.

It is also important to know that chromium interferes with the absorption of certain drugs for the treatment of the thyroid gland. For maximum benefit, it is worth taking an 4-hour break between taking both medications.

As for diabetics, they should use dietary supplements containing chromium only under the supervision of the attending physician. In addition, antacids, H2-blockers, inhibitors, corticosteroids can affect the absorption of chromium. It is undesirable to combine chromium with ascorbic acid, niacin, beta-blockers, insulin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen). But in this case, of course, we are talking about chromium in the form of dietary supplements, and not in the composition of food products.

For decades, academic circles have debated the benefits and harms of chromium for humanity. But in recent years, this microelement has been talked about with heightened interest and respect, calling it a “longevity factor”. The fact is that after studying the positive properties of this nutrient, biochemists agreed: regular use of chromium allows you to maintain brain function, immunity and muscle tone, even in extreme old age. Does this mean that a substance called chromium can prolong life, providing energy and clarity of mind in old age? If so, then this means that Cr is indeed an anti-aging element.

Sources of
  1. Reutina S. V. – The role of chromium in the body / S. V. Reutina // Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Ecology and life safety. – 2009. – No. 4. – P. 50-55.
  2. Panchenko L.F.: Clinical biochemistry of trace elements. – M .: GOU VUNMTS of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2004

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