Children with whom grandmothers sit are more likely to get cancer

Researchers have come up with a frightening pattern. It turns out that kindergarten is better than older relatives.

No, this is not a study by British scientists. Experts from different countries conducted similar experiments, and they all showed quite similar results. For example, according to the observations of French scientists from the Sorbonne University, it turned out that children who go to kindergarten demonstrate better social skills than those who sat with their grandmother. The kindergarteners had fewer emotional and behavioral problems.

Scientists at the University of Glasgow last year found that grandparents can be pretty bad for kids. They just spoil their grandchildren, constantly stuffing them with goodies, while modern parents try to limit their children to junk food. Where grandmothers limit children is in mobility. Total overweight problems. This is already a general conclusion from 56 studies conducted in 18 different countries.

Another risk factor is that there are many more smokers among the older generation than among young parents. As a result, children are more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke while sitting with their grandmothers. When combined with overfeeding, this increases the risk of 13 types of cancers in children!

“Grandparents unintentionally harm the health of children. But they do harm! And retraining them is often useless. Therefore, the best thing that you can do for a baby is to send him to kindergarten “, – assures Dr. Stephanie Chasbers from the University of Glasgow.

By the way, Dr. Komarovsky also said that the love of grandmothers can be dangerous. First, because love is expressed in the amount of food that the child consumes. Eating poorly is the older generation’s biggest nightmare. Another horror is drafts. Grannies are so afraid of them that they tangle the child, from which he only catches colds more often. And even prickly heat … Well, mobility is often not enough. Not every grandmother will ride a bicycle with a child or run a race in the park.

That being said, there is another study that says children grow up to be more compassionate when they interact with their grandparents. But the key here, apparently, is “communicating”. That is, if you go to visit your mother’s and father’s parents, then it’s great. But it is not worth replacing a kindergarten with a grandmother. Moreover, modern grandmothers themselves are often not delighted with the prospect of settling at home with their grandchildren.


Who is sitting with your child?

  • I’m sitting myself. We live on our husband’s salary – and what to do.

  • Grandmother. She is beside herself with delight that she was entrusted with her beloved grandson.

  • We hired a nanny. We have no grandmothers, and the kindergarten is not soon.

  • They sent me to a private kindergarten. Fortunately, the salary allows.

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