Causes of balanitis

Causes of balanitis

The most common forms of balanitis are:

·       Candidal balanitis

It is the most common cause of balanitis, linked to the overgrowth of Candida albicans (saprophytic host of the genital mucosa), which has become pathogenic under the influence of various factors: diabetes, obesity, taking antibiotics

Balanitis takes the form of redness often beginning at the level of the preputial balano sulcus and then gradually spreading. A good diagnostic argument is the aspect of desquamative collar around the redness, even the presence of small pustules in the heads of pins forming small white dots.

·       Balanite streptococcique

Streptococcus is the second cause of infectious balanitis after Candida albicans. It is a balanitis often having a drier look than candidal balanitis. Sexual transmission is likely.

In children, there is a form of group A ß-hemolytic streptococcal balanitis, often concomitant with anal involvement.

·       Anaerobic balanitis

Anaerobes are germs that do not need oxygen to develop. Among these, Gardnerella Vaginalis is the most common, having a foul odor and resulting in often extensive and inflammatory balanitis

·       Balanitis caused by Trichomonas Vaginalis

It has mostly erosive lesions (superficial wounds) with foul smelling purulent coating. We can also observe urethritis (inflammation of the urethral meatus responsible for burning voiding). It seems to be favored by long foreskin and can be complicated by phimosis.

·       Balanite the Son

It’s about a balanitis of unknown etiology, but it would be a specific form of irritation of uncircumcised men. The contributing factors are: heat, friction, trauma,

insufficient hygiene …

In the majority of cases, balanitis affects the glans so well limited and stable, forming a red and smooth plaque, with a mirror image on the foreskin

·       Cancerous balanitis

The most common forms of cancerous balanitis are superficial forms, affecting only the epithelial part of the mucosa. They are most often presented as a balanitis that does not respond to medical treatment, which the doctor then decides to biopsy, which reveals the diagnosis. Among cancerous balanitis, mention may be made of Bowen’s disease (intraepithelial carcinoma also called Queyrat erythroplasia), bowenoid papulosis or extramammary Paget’s disease.

·       Allergic balanitis

Allergic contact balanitis originates from an allergy to an allergen by direct contact (latex from condoms, antifungals, deodorants, linen), but also by indirect contact by handling or with partners (diaphragm rubber, spermicides, lubricants, lipstick).

Balanitis is often very inflammatory, swollen or even painful

The doctor carries out allergological tests which often make it possible to determine the allergen in question.

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