In their lifetime, cats are exposed to many internal parasites. While most rob them of only a small portion of their food, some can have more serious consequences, including touching the cat’s heart or lungs.
Deworming is an essential preventive measure to fight your cat’s internal parasites and help control their numbers.
Worms, the cause of serious problems in cats
Two types of worms exist in our cats. The first and most common are roundworms. They are roundworms transmissible to other animals and to humans. The second, less common type of worms are tapeworms called Cestodes. Finally, there are also tapeworms which are long ringed worms. These parasites are of veterinary importance because they can cause major lesions in the organs they contaminate, and can be transmitted to humans.
Most of these worms will settle and grow in the digestive tract of the animal, and in particular in the intestine. They will then deprive the cat of some of the nutrients, but also feed on the blood of the cat they parasitize.
Sometimes the larvae migrate to the different organs of the animal, which can seriously damage them and cause serious health problems for your cat. Certain worms, fortunately less frequent, will also attach themselves to the heart, lungs or at the level of the bladder. Depending on where they are implanted, they can be the cause of heart failure, breathing problems or recurrent cystitis. Finally, in kittens, significant ascariasis can be very serious and sometimes fatal. However, it is a common parasitosis that is transmitted in the mother’s womb, through breastfeeding, or through contact with contaminated feces and can be transmitted through the mother’s milk or through contact with feces.
Cats become infected mainly by coming into contact with other infected animals. Since worms are not specific to a species, they easily pass from dogs or rodents to cats. For cats that go out, it is possible that they become infected by hunting and eating rats, mice, or birds. Finally, even indoor cats that never go out can be parasitized because it is possible that we bring back on our shoes worms, eggs or larvae.
Types of helminths in cats
There are many varieties of worms. Depending on which worm parasitizes in the body (tape, fluke, flat or round), there are nematodosis, trematodosis, toxocaridiasis, opisthorchiasis and cestodosis. Currently, there are more than 30 types of worms in this group.
- Trematodes (flukes). Opisthorchiasis is relevant for cats and people.
- Cestodes (tapeworms):
- ribbons
- chains
- Nematodes
- Ascaris
- Toxocara
- hookworm
Although all types of parasitic worms can infect animals, the most common worms in cats are roundworms or tapeworms.
Nematodes are small, thin worms up to 2 cm long. They are among the most common types of internal parasites of animals. Infection of a cat with nematodes occurs through contact with infected animals, when eating feces that contain helminth eggs. Worms in kittens can appear when feeding on mother’s milk. Parasites feed on the blood of animals, attaching to the walls of the intestines, and pose a great danger to the health of animals, especially kittens. The eggs and larvae are passed into the feces and can infect humans or other animals.
Cestodes, or tape flat parasites, have a length of 10 to 80 cm. The body of the worm consists of multiple segments, or segments. Cats can become infected by eating an intermediate host, such as fleas or rodents, which carry this type of parasite. In infected animals, helminth segments, which in appearance resemble grains of rice, can be seen on the fur in the anus or in feces. Cestodes parasitize in the lungs of animals.
Roundworms are one of the most common types of helminths in cats and resemble spaghetti in appearance. The length of the parasites does not exceed 5 cm, but longer specimens are sometimes found. The maximum number of roundworms is observed in the small intestine. With significant accumulations, blockage of the bile ducts and intestinal lumen occurs. This group of parasites is very dangerous for cats, since their metabolic products are extremely toxic to the body and, if not dewormed in time, can cause severe intoxication and allergic reactions.
Worms of this species are five-centimeter round parasites that live in the esophagus, gallbladder, liver and intestines of animals. Infection occurs orally or in utero. Toxocars pose a great danger to kittens, as they can lead to intestinal rupture.
Cucumber chains
Infection with these parasites occurs when cats have ectoparasites – fleas or withers – that carry the eggs of worms. In the body of a cat, the size of tapeworms can exceed 30 cm, and in the human body, under favorable conditions, more than a meter. Very unpleasant and dangerous type of internal parasites. Chains with the help of sharp spines are fixed on the walls of the intestine, affecting the mucous membranes.
Wide ribbon
Parasitic worms of this species in the body of an adult animal can reach more than 2 meters in length, and in the human body with untimely treatment – more than 11 meters. As a rule, infection occurs when animals eat raw river fish. Symptoms are similar to infection with cucumber tapeworms.
Causes of worms in cats
Helminths can infect both street and pets. Worm larvae enter the animal’s body with food or are brought into the house on shoes.
The causes of the appearance of worms in cats, depending on the type, are as follows:
- The presence of ectoparasites (fleas, withers) in a pet.
- The use of raw meat products, river or sea fish. Most often, cysts are found in raw river fish.
- Contact with infected animals.
- Intrauterine infection from an infected cat.
In raw meat, even after freezing and thorough washing, worm cysts can be found. Especially often they are found in almost all types of river fish, since it is in their body that the process of maturation of the larvae takes place. Fish are intermediate hosts for many types of helminths. In addition, fish contains a large amount of phosphorus, and as a result of a supersaturation of the pet’s body with this element, metabolism can be disturbed, so it is best to exclude river fish from the diet of cats.
Symptoms of a cat infection with worms
Symptoms of worms in cats can have a different character and degree of manifestation, depending on the degree of damage and the presence in the body of one or another type of parasitic worms. In the initial stages of infection, the symptoms of worms in cats may not appear or be mild.
What are the most common signs of worms in cats?
- Digestion and gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, constipation in a cat , which are replaced by diarrhea, refusal to feed, or vice versa, increased appetite).
- From time to time, coughing fits may occur in a pet, especially as a result of roundworm damage.
- Jaundice of mucous membranes, enlargement of the liver.
- Signs of anemia, which are especially pronounced in kittens.
- Tousled, faded coat. Hair loss.
- Itching in the anus.
- Small rash, hair loss near the anus.
- Severe purulent or severe discharge from the eyes or nose
- The presence of blood masses in the feces
- In severe cases, signs of intoxication are diagnosed. Paralysis of the hind limbs may also develop.
- Premature birth or abortion.
- Significant enlargement of the cat’s abdomen.
- developmental delay in kittens.
It should be noted that the signs of helminthic invasion may resemble the symptoms of viral or infectious diseases. If at the same time deworming is carried out, the general condition of the animal can worsen, which in especially severe cases can lead to death. It is possible to establish that these are the symptoms of worms in cats only after conducting clinical and laboratory tests, therefore, at the slightest suspicion that a pet has internal parasites, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian.
Treatment of helminthiases in cats
Animals infected with worms are prescribed broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs that affect all types of helminths, or drugs that affect certain worms. Modern drugs practically do not have a toxic effect on the body, but it is important to observe the dosage and take into account contraindications. Anthelmintics are available in the form of tablets, suspensions and drops at the withers.
The most effective drugs for the treatment of worms in cats:
- Drontal.
- Profender.
- Milbemx.
- Stronghold.
- Pirantel.
- Caniquantel.
- Prosit.
- Prazicide.
- Pratel.
If you care about your pet’s condition, you should not try to treat your cat with pills on your own, as this can only worsen her condition. The process of development and reproduction of worms occurs quite quickly, the bill can go on for days, especially if the animal is weakened. A veterinarian should prescribe drugs for the treatment of helminths in cats.
When giving anthelmintic drugs, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for the remedy and the dosage indicated in it.
Before taking the tablets, you need to rid the animal of fleas and other external parasites. Otherwise, the treatment for worms will be ineffective. You can use means to simultaneously get rid of external and internal parasites, for example, drops on the withers of Stronghold.
It is important to ensure that the animal swallows the tablet completely. A completely natural reaction of the cat will be the rejection of such a tasteless and unusual “treat”, therefore, in order for the animal not to spit out the pill, and the drug from worms enters the body in the right amount, the following methods are used:
- The crushed tablet is mixed with a small amount of the cat’s favorite treat. Moist foods with a uniform consistency are best suited for this purpose, such as industrial feeds such as pate, jelly or mousse, as well as homemade ground beef or chicken.
- You can use a pill piller (inducer or tablet dispenser) – a special device sold in pharmacies and outwardly resembling a syringe with a soft rubber tip. The tablet is fixed in the tip, the cat’s mouth is opened, the tip is placed as close as possible to the root of the tongue and the tablet is pushed out by pressing the piston. Close and hold the cat’s mouth, while stimulating swallowing by stroking the throat from top to bottom. A similar procedure can be performed with your own fingers, however, the use of the piller is more convenient due to the small diameter of the instrument and the ability to place the pill closer to the larynx.
- The crushed tablet is dissolved in a small amount of water, after which the resulting solution is injected behind the cat’s cheek using a syringe without a needle. Hold the mouth until the animal swallows the medicine.
In the case of using the second or third way to give a tablet to a pet, excessive salivation is possible – this is a normal physiological reaction of a cat.
For greater efficiency, the treatment of worms in a cat is repeated, after 10-14 days, depending on the drug and the degree of helminthic invasion. In more severe cases, longer treatment may be required.
Control of anthelmintic therapy is carried out by laboratory methods, examining feces for the presence of eggs and larvae of worms.
When to deworm my cat?
It is important to know that most infected animals do not show symptoms at first. Your cat can therefore appear healthy, as worms feed and breed in them.
In other cases, and in the event of a massive infestation by worms, it will be possible to observe the eggs or larvae of the worms directly in the faeces of the animal. In addition, internal parasitosis should be mentioned as soon as your cat vomits or has diarrhea, if he appears pale or anemic, or if his general condition decreases. A drop in weight or in vitality can also be an important call sign. Finally, in kittens significant bloating and a swollen belly are also a sign.
Dewormers for cats have no preventive effect, but are only used as a cure. They will act when taken, with a “flush” effect that will kill all the adult worms present at that time. To prevent the animal from being too contaminated, it is therefore important to treat it on a regular basis.
Depending on the cat’s lifestyle, the treatment will be carried out 2 to 4 times a year. For indoor cats, where parasite pressure is relatively low, treatment twice a year is sufficient. On the contrary, for cats who go out a lot, the dewormer should be administered at least four times a year, at each change of season.
Kittens, particularly sensitive to internal parasites, must receive special and appropriate treatment. They must therefore be dewormed from the age of 15 days and the treatment must be repeated every month, until the age of 6 months.
Pregnant cats should also be treated so as not to transmit parasites to their kittens. They must be dewormed a few days before mating, then around the 45th day of gestation and at birth.
With which foods help to deworm?
To find a dewormer adapted to your animal, its weight and its lifestyle, talk to your veterinarian. Most dewormers take the form of tablets or pipettes.
The tablets, the most common treatments, should be swallowed by the cat. If necessary, they can be hidden in a little bit of food to ensure that the animal takes them correctly. Pipettes are generally easier to apply. In any case, it will be important to choose a dewormer with a wide spectrum of action with which it fights as well against ascaris, cestodes, etc.
Be wary of grandmother’s remedies intended to deworm a cat. Often they are ineffective and sometimes even toxic to the animal. Finally, despite popular belief, a cat that eats grass does not deworm itself.
Since worms are easily transmitted from one animal to another, it will be necessary to remember to treat all the animals in the house at the same time. It will also be necessary to combine this treatment with a treatment against fleas a few days before, because these can transmit tapeworm eggs. Finally, the cat litter must be cleaned very regularly to avoid recontamination.
Prevention of worms in cats
You need to follow simple rules that will help prevent infection of your pet
Worms in cats will not appear if you follow the following measures:
- Do not allow the cat to come into contact with infected animals.
- Regularly treat animals with special means from ectoparasites, even if your pet is not on the street and does not communicate with fellow animals.
- Feed quality food. Give the animal only fresh food and always put it in the refrigerator or throw away leftover food that has lain in the cat’s bowl for a long time. Completely exclude raw river fish from the diet.
- Store your shoes in closed lockers, especially if you have a pregnant cat or small kittens at home.
- Tablets for the prevention of worms in cats are given two weeks before the cat is mated and vaccinated .
- Keep the litter box and cat bowls clean. To avoid infection of the pet, it is recommended to clean the cat litter with disposable gloves and follow basic hygiene rules.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fully adhere to the above rules, but it is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection. Prevention of worms in cats can also be the use of folk remedies, but their effectiveness is questionable. Carrot juice enemas, tincture of wormwood, decoction of common tansy will help prevent and even get rid of helminthic invasions in the initial stages. But these drugs are less effective than drugs for the prevention of worms in cats.
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