Breakfast ideal for January 1st

To properly recuperate after a night of fun, drinking and eating high-calorie foods, you should have a proper breakfast (or lunch – whatever happens). The first day of the year should not be overshadowed by hangovers and unpleasant painful sensations!

A hangover is poisoning. The body suffers from dehydration, blood circulation slows down, blood pressure rises, and a head hurts. The stomach and intestines from rich food also suffer, trying to remove the accumulated toxins. What to eat for breakfast, proceed from these symptoms?


The right drinks 

To restore the water-salt balance and quickly remove toxins from the body, be sure to include drinks in breakfast: still water, slightly salted tomato juice or an old proven remedy – brine.

Fermented milk drinks – kefir, fermented baked milk, whey have also proven themselves well.

But it is better to refuse coffee and tea, they will bring only temporary relief, but in fact, they will aggravate the symptoms. It is preferable to drink herbal infusion or ginger hot drink, which will increase blood circulation and relieve headaches.

Lots of calories

A high-calorie feast the day before is not a reason to go on a diet. First, the body should recover, and only then can the consequences of overeating gradually be removed. After New Year’s Eve breakfast should be hearty and hot.

Ideal – vegetable omelet with cheese or thick soup with lean meat, not too fatty, as well as meat pie or pasta with meat and tomato sauce.

No alcohol

The habit of bringing oneself to life by wedge by wedge does not lead to favorable consequences. The poisoned body will not feel better for long after a new dose of alcohol, and weakened kidneys and liver will suffer even more.

Low alcohol drinks are diuretic and will only increase dehydration in a weakened body.


Enterosorbents are drugs aimed at absorbing toxins and their speedy elimination from the body. After breakfast they will not be superfluous.

The most affordable is activated carbon, which is sold in any pharmacy.

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