Brachioplasty: why perform an arm lift?

Brachioplasty: why perform an arm lift?

Over time and with variations in weight, it is common for the skin on the arms to sag. A source of complexes which can also cause daily discomfort related to friction of the skin. To redraw the contours of the area and correct a possible “bat effect”, an arm lift, also called brachioplasty or brachial lift can be performed by a cosmetic surgeon.

What is brachioplasty?

It is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the inner part of the arm. The surgeon will thus be able to tighten the skin and reshape the area in line with the patient’s silhouette.

The causes of sagging skin on the arms

Like our entire body, the arms are subject to the law of gravity and sagging skin. Several factors can explain the accumulation of fat and skin on the area: 

  • Skin aging: with age, the skin loses its elasticity and the muscles lose their tone. There is also a slowdown in cell renewal. An accumulation which explains the sagging and loss of firmness;
  • Significant weight loss: even when practicing physical activity, the skin may have difficulty stretching to adapt to the new volumes of the arm;
  • Heredity: Skin aging and the skin’s ability to retract vary from person to person.

Brachioplasty techniques

Arm lift with incision in the armpit

This is the rarest option. The horizontal incision in the armpit is made when the excess skin to be removed is minor. The scar will be almost imperceptible because it is hidden by the natural fold of the area.

Arm lift with incision on the inner side of the arm

This is the most frequent mode of intervention. Indeed, it allows to remove more excess skin. The scar will be visible on the inner side along the length of the arm.

Brachioplasty, often associated with liposuction of the arm

Before the arm lift, liposuction is performed to remove excess fat while preserving the lymphatic vessels. This intervention is sometimes sufficient in patients whose skin has good elasticity and whose mass to be extracted is moderate.

How is the intervention carried out?

Before the intervention

Two consultations with a cosmetic doctor will determine the amount of mass to be removed and the most appropriate technique to perform the brachial lift. A preoperative assessment as well as an appointment with the anesthesiologist will be necessary in the days preceding the operation. Strict smoking cessation will also be recommended in order to reduce the risk of skin necrosis.

During the intervention

The operation takes place under general anesthesia and usually lasts between 1h30 and 2h. It is generally carried out on an outpatient basis, but a 24-hour hospitalization is sometimes necessary. The surgeon begins by removing the excess fat by liposuction so as not to damage the venous, nervous and lymphatic systems. The excess skin is then surgically removed. Analgesics to relieve pain will be prescribed. 

Operative suites

The final result of the operation will be visible after about 3 months, the time that the tissues heal and the edema associated with the operation deflates. In the meantime, a compression garment will be recommended for a minimum period of 3 weeks in order to obtain optimal healing and reduce the risk of postoperative swelling. After a month and a half of rest, you can resume moderate physical activity if your cosmetic surgeon allows it. 

Allow about a week of sick leave, to be defined according to the patient’s professional activity.

What are the risks ?

Like any operation, arm lift involves risks of complications which, even if they are rare, will have to be discussed with the surgeon. We can mention in particular: 

  • Phlebitis; 
  • Delayed healing;
  • The formation of a hematoma;
  • An infection ;
  • Necrosis.

What social security coverage?

In some cases, the arm lift can benefit from health insurance coverage. It will be necessary to justify the impact of sagging skin on the patient’s daily life. Note that Social Security does not cover excess fees. However, they may be partially or totally reimbursed by certain mutuals. 

Prices vary between 3000 and 5000 euros depending on the intervention and the prices charged by the surgeon.

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