Capiton: how to get rid of orange peel?

Capiton: how to get rid of orange peel?

Dreaded by all women, cellulite affects nearly 90% of them at some point in their lives and to varying degrees. If it is illusory to think of eliminating it completely, it is however possible to limit its appearance and improve the condition of your skin. Follow the guide.

What is cellulite?

Also called superficial lipodystrophy, cellulite is the result of a change in the structure of adipose tissue, which gives the dermis an appearance of “orange peel”, rejected by beauty standards and abhorred by women.

Essentially located on the lower part of the body, and in particular the buttocks and thighs, it is linked to female sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone – which explains why it often does not appear until after puberty.

The three types of cellulite

There are three different types of cellulite:

  • Fat cellulite : caused by an excess of fat cells, it is generally associated with being overweight and caused by an unbalanced diet rich in sugar;
  • Aqueous cellulite – also known as infiltration: it is linked to poor blood circulation and is associated with water retention. It can affect all women, even the thinnest, and is easier to dislodge;
  • Fibrous cellulite : it is caused by the swelling of adipocytes which suffocate the blood vessels and limit the good oxygenation of the tissues. Fibrous cellulitis is the most noticeable of all, and it is often painful to the touch. It is the deepest cellulite and the most difficult to dislodge.

Anti-cellulite massages

They are an essential weapon in the fight against cellulite, whatever its type. And it is the now famous palpate-roll which has proven its worth against cellulite, by boosting blood circulation, often deficient in tissues engorged with fat cells.

The technique ? The skin is pinched and then rolled between the fingers or using a machine that reproduces this gesture. The palpate-roll is always carried out from the bottom up to restart the venous return.

To obtain results on the quality of the skin, the rolling palpation must be practiced regularly throughout the year and not only a few weeks before the holidays at the seaside. A session of 10 minutes per day is enough to reduce cellulite.

The right products

For more efficiency, creams loaded with active ingredients can be added to palpate-roll massages. Their role is above all to improve the condition of the skin by smoothing superficial cellulite. Creams, on the other hand, will have no effect on fibrous cellulite.

There are many anti-cellulite creams on cosmetic shelves, but not all are equally effective. Among the flagship assets we find:

  • caffeine: it is undoubtedly the benchmark anti-cellulite active ingredient. This antioxidant would act on several fronts: on the one hand by activating lipolysis (melting of fat cells), and on the other hand by slowing down lipogenesis (production of new fat cells). Caffeine would also act by activating the microcirculation, in order to promote tissue drainage;
  • retinol: another powerful antioxidant, which would stimulate cellular activity to destock fat;
  • horsetail: this plant is renowned for its anti-glycation action, which limits the stiffening of the fibers of the dermis and facilitates drainage;
  • L-carnitine: this amino acid would activate the destocking of fats by boosting the metabolism. It would be particularly effective in addition to caffeine;
  • the meadowsweet: is known for its anti-edematous and draining properties.

Anti-cellulite sports

Who says cellulite, says localized fat and often poor blood circulation. Two phenomena which can be stopped by the regular practice of a sport. While all sports are recommended for reducing orange peel skin, some are more effective than others.

Running or brisk walking

By working the cardio and by engaging the muscles of the lower part of the body – the most prone to dimpling – running or brisk walking are very effective weapons against cellulite. The first acts faster, but the second has the advantage of being more accessible and less aggressive on the joints. Half an hour of jogging would thus be roughly equivalent to an hour of brisk walking, to draw on our fat reserves and smooth the dimpling.


Swimming has the double benefit of burning a lot of calories and massaging cellulite thanks to the resistance of the water. Swimming is particularly recommended by all people with weak joints, which is often the case with overweight people.

Cycling or aquabiking

The bike has no equal for taper and firm the legs. Efficiency increased tenfold when the bike is immersed in aquabiking, with the resistance of water and its massaging effect, formidable against the orange peel.


Acronym of High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT is a high intensity interval training, based on periods of intense effort, alternated with short periods of recovery. The goal of HIIT is to burn as many calories as possible in a minimum amount of time. To tackle cellulite on the buttocks or thighs, we favor exercises that stress the lower part of the body.

Jumping rope

Not only does it take us back to childhood, but in addition, it uses all the muscles of our body. Skipping rope is one of the most “calorie-intensive” activities, since it would burn 200 calories in just 10 minutes. In addition, this deliciously regressive sport promotes venous return, and is therefore perfect for tracking down aqueous cellulite.

The anti-cellulite plate

The content of our plate is essential to limit the invasion of cellulite. While certain foods nourish it, others, on the contrary, promote its destocking.

Foods to limit:
  • sugar: sugary products, with a high glycemic index, are the favorite foods for cellulite. They cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket and cause the secretion of insulin, the hormone that promotes fat storage. So be careful with sweet snacking, and even if it means falling for a confectionery, it is preferable to do it at the end of a meal;
  • salt: it promotes water retention, which is responsible for aqueous cellulite. Be careful therefore to have a light hand on table salt, and to limit all very salty foods: cheese, cold meats, cured meats, crisps, etc. ;
  • highly processed commercial products: pizza, quiches, ready meals, cookies, breakfast cereals, aperitif cookies, etc., all these foods are fortified with both salt and sugar, and they are often too high in calories and fat.
Foods to favor:
  • fresh fruits and vegetables: rich in fiber and minerals, low in calories, sugars and salt, fresh fruits and vegetables are all good. They are to be put on the menu of each meal to overcome cellulite;
  • lean fish and meats: rich in protein and low in fat, they are very satiating, low in calories and they help maintain muscle mass. The more muscular you are, the less cellulite sets in;
  • legumes and whole starches: very rich in fiber, they have a lower glycemic index and are more satiating than their refined counterparts (egg pasta, white rice, etc.). They allow us not to be hungry between meals;
  • vegetable oils and oleaginous fruits: they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, an antioxidant which protects the vessels and acts against water retention;
  • water: contrary to some beliefs, drinking a lot does not promote water retention, on the contrary. Our body is made up of 65% water, which is in constant need of renewal. Also, the less we drink, the more our body retains water and conversely, the more we drink, the more it drains it.

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