Books Successful People Read: An Overview

🙂 Hello dear readers! A chance encounter with a good book can change a person’s destiny forever. Here are the books that successful people read. For motivation, self-development and building a successful business.

Successful People’s Books

The books to read are written by authors who have become successful in various walks of life. You, dear reader, just need to read these works and follow the advice of the authors. My appeal is addressed rather to young people who have not had time to get acquainted with the world’s bestsellers.

Good books are worth rereading! Here are selected the best works, thanks to which many people have changed their lives for the better. But this is just the “tip of the iceberg” in the book ocean on the topic of success. So, for you, the books that successful people read:

Books Successful People Read: An Overview

Dale Carnegie “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

Dale Carnegie’s book, first published in 1937, immediately became very popular. She is still considered one of the very best about the psychology of communication with people. Backed by real stories from the lives of great leaders and businessmen.

George S. Clayson “The Richest Man in Babylon”

Read! My favorite book that has helped me financially improve my life. It is a pity that I found out about her only a few years ago, but “better late than never”! Very often we do not live the way we would like.

The presence or absence of money plays a large role in the ability of people to cope with life’s difficulties and falls. The Richest Man in Babylon was published in 1926. For many, it has become the ultimate guide to managing personal finances. A separate article is devoted to this, How to live without debt.

Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

Here are all 13 principles of success for a happy life. All of these principles are based primarily on the belief in success. Think and Grow Rich helps people change their outlook on life and completely change their reality. Over 30 million copies of this book have been sold worldwide.

Think and Grow Rich is a must-read for everyone who is interested in improving their lives and achieving success.

Rhonda Berne “The Secret”

This “Mystery” can change the life of everyone. You will learn how to use the Secret in all aspects of your life – money, health, relationships. And, in general, for any interaction with the outside world. You will begin to understand the hidden and untouched power within you. And this discovery can bring you joy, happiness and prosperity in everything.

“Mystery” has firmly established itself on the top lines of world book ratings. Rhonda Byrne’s advice is your chance to change your destiny for the better! Don’t miss it! There is a scientific documentary film “The Secret” based on the same book.

Books Successful People Read: An Overview

Napoleon Hill “Laws of Success”

26 years of research, including interviews with 500 successful businesspeople who were once also poor but were successful.

The author has studied the lives of such great people as Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt, and Alexander Graham Bell. He was finally convinced that the laws of success are the same and work the same for everyone.

Stephen Covey “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”

Over the 15 years of the book’s release, it has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. The author says that developing your personality and increasing efficiency can take your entire life. Stephen Covey encourages you to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

The “Seven Habits” are recommended for reading by executives of some companies to all their subordinates. It is the pearl of success books.

Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

It was this book for many aspiring entrepreneurs that was the first on the bookshelf. The author opens his eyes to why 90% of people in this world do not live the life they would like to live. Why don’t they tell us at school how to make money, but stuff our brains with absolutely unnecessary information for life?

Find out the whole truth about the real financial world from Robert Kiyosaki.

Robert Kiyosaki “Cash Flow Quadrant”

After reading the first book by Robert Kiyosaki, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, you should immediately move on to the second – “The Cash Flow Quadrant.” In it, Robert clearly managed to divide the line of 4 types of people: worker, self-employed, big business and investors. The author managed to maintain a light and understandable style of the text.

Brian Tracy “Peak Out”

It will help you unleash and develop all hidden skills and strengths in order to succeed. You will learn how to achieve success in all areas of your life: health, personal life, career and financial plan.

Richard Bach “The Seagull Named Jonathan Livingston”

For the first time I learned about this book from Andrey Makarevich (I read his interview in some magazine).

Richard Bach is a famous American writer, pilot, a descendant of Johann Sebastian Bach. He is the author of numerous books. But already only one philosophical tale “The Seagull named Jonathan Livingston” is enough for the writer to enter the “Hall of Fame” of world literature forever.

Generations of readers change, but “The Seagull …” year after year is among the ten most popular books in the world. What is the book about? About the meaning of life! You can also watch a movie with the same name, but here we are talking about books. Reading makes you think and reflect more! I recommend the article “Why You Should Read Books: Six Good Reasons.”

Benjamin Franklin’s “Autobiography”

Dale Carnegie: “If you want great advice on how to deal with people, to manage yourself, read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. One of the most fascinating life stories. “

Dan Waldschmidt “Be the best version of yourself. How ordinary people become outstanding ”

Written from 1000 stories of ordinary people in business, science, politics and sports who have achieved outstanding success. Stories will not leave anyone indifferent and will certainly inspire new achievements at work, in sports and any other spheres of life.

This book is much talked about, argued, criticized and admired. The text can be downloaded from the Internet. A total of 106 pages with pictures. The site has an article about the author – “Dan Waldschmidt”

Happy reading, everyone! The books that successful people read will help you make your dream come true! Dear friends, leave your additions, advice or remarks to the article in the comments. Share this information with your friends on social networks. 🙂 Thank you!

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