Body Fat: myths and facts

Fat deposits on the stomach – a sure sign of excess weight and a serious risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the rounded silhouette is the source of psychological problems and a reason to look for miracle ways of getting rid of “belly”.

Is there a diet to reduce fat stores in the abdominal wall? How effective are sit UPS and crunches? We will tell about the myths and facts.

Fact: your Belly grows because of beer

Of course, by beer itself, the belly will not grow. However, if you consume this nutritious drink regularly, with traditional high-calorie snacks: chips, crackers and salty nuts – the extra weight will not keep you waiting.

Among beer lovers increased waistline, as a rule, aggravated by problems with the liver, high blood pressure and other consequences of consuming alcohol and unhealthy food.

Myth: From the “belly” help sit  ups or crunches

If a person continues to consume more calories than spends, and saves weight, toned muscles will remain under a layer of fat.

This does not mean that exercises are not healthy. Combine them with a sensible diet to not only reduce weight but also strengthen muscles.

Fact: whole grain Foods help to lose weight in the waist

Whole grain products really help to lose weight. They are not only low calorie, but permanently retain a feeling of satiety due to high fiber content.

In addition, whole grain foods stimulate the bowels and fight constipation. This allows to visually reduce the volume of the stomach.

Myth: There is a special diet to get rid of excess belly fat

Some dieters think that a special diet is able to fight against fat on the belly. Actually it works a completely different principle.

First, the fat goes to those places where they lay in the most easy way. Because for many people the main fat stores are just in the waistline, it may seem that the diet works for them exclusively.

However, no diet designed for fat, at a specific point. Exercises – also.

The transition to a healthy diet and increased physical activity reduces the excess adipose tissue throughout the body, including the stomach.

Fact: belly Fat is more dangerous than fat in other places

Fat deposits on the belly are not only distorting the shape, and put pressure on internal organs. In fat cells located in the area of the abdominal wall, produces hormones that increase the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

In addition, scientists have linked abdominal obesity with an increased risk of diabetes developing, liver diseases, osteoporosis, thrombosis and some cancers – including breast cancer and colon.

Myth: to reduce the volume of the stomach you have every day to sweat in the gym


To reduce the amount of belly fat is much easier. Research of scientists from Wake Forest University in the US show that only two and a half hours of active walking per week can help loosing about two and a half inches of waist in a month.

In addition, it was found that walking for half an hour to an hour three times a week reduce the size of fat cells in your belly by 20 percent.

The process will go faster if moderate load will be daily, and diet away the excess fat and sugar.

The most important

Big belly is the consequence of improper nutrition and lack of exercise. To get rid of only the “belly” is impossible. You will have to deal with the extra weight all over the body.

More about body fat myths and facts watch in the video below:

My Top 5 Facts vs. Myths about Body Fat

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