Body Balance: develop flexibility, remove stress and strengthen muscles

Body Balance is a group program created by the new Zealand Les Mills coaches based on yoga, Pilates and tai Chi. The training is designed not only to improve your body, but to harmonize your consciousness.

Classes Body Balance takes place in group classes around the world. Training is performed in a quiet pace and usually lasts 60 minutes.

About exercise Body Balance

Les Mills is known for its brilliant programs, which help bring your body into great shape. Body Balance is a special class. With it, you will be able to develop flexibility, strengthen muscles, increase joint mobility, to feel relaxed and harmony. The program does not involve sharp and intense movements, it focuses on centered and balanced work. About such system of training is often said to “reasonable body.”

Body Balance includes elements of yoga, Pilates and tai Chi. This combination of exercises you will correct your posture, improve spinal mobility and to get rid of back problems, including by strengthening postural muscles. In addition to improving flexibility and balance, you will improve your fitness and muscle toning. The Body Balance class also focuses on proper breathing techniques, which helps in dealing with stress and anxiety, and improves concentration.

Les Mills regularly update the program every three months in gyms all over the world sent the latest issue of Body Balance with new choreography and music. At the moment, out of about 100 issues of the program. Corporation Les Mills group strictly monitors the training in their programs. In order to become a trainer for Les Mills programs in the fitness rooms, it requires special training.

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The structure of the Body Balance workout

Training Body Balance is under 10 music tracks and according to this divided into 10 segments. Each of these segments its purpose – you will work on a specific muscle group or improve a specific area of the body. Every three months change and exercise, and music tracks, but the program structure remains the same. In this case, since the choreography remains unchanged within the same release for three months, the trainees have the opportunity to learn and improve their movement on each new lesson.

The program begins with a warm up and ends with a nice relaxation. The first half of the class is standing in dynamics, the second half – mostly on the Mat.

  1. Warm-up (tai Chi). Gentle warming, focusing on the typical movements of tai Chi and martial arts.
  2. Sun salutation (yoga). More intensive warming up of joints and muscles based on the asanas of yoga.
  3. Footwork (yoga and tai Chi). Toning and stretching the legs with static postures and dynamic asanas.
  4. Balance (yoga and tai Chi). A combination of movements from yoga and balancing exercises to tone muscles, improve body control, traction the spine and posture correction.
  5. Disclosure of the hips and shoulders (yoga). A combination of movements from yoga to open your hips and shoulder joints.
  6. The stomach and the cor (Pilates and yoga). Strengthening the abdominal muscles and the muscular system at the expense of exercises from Pilates and yoga.
  7. Back and cor (Pilates and yoga). Strengthening the muscles of the back, buttocks and muscular system at the expense of exercises from Pilates and yoga.
  8. Twists (yoga and tai Chi). Techniques from yoga and tai Chi to improve mobility in the spine, improve digestion and functioning of internal organs.
  9. Hamstring (yoga and tai Chi). Techniques from yoga and tai Chi to stretch muscles of the back and legs and improve mobility of the joints, which blocked as a result of daily activities.
  10. Relaxation (yoga). The final relaxation and concentration on the breath to increase the effectiveness of exercises.

What else should you know?

If you’re a fan of yoga or Pilates, you will definitely find a common language with the program, because most of the elements of Body Balance is taken from there. However, the coaches picked up such exercises that not only stretch and strengthen muscles. That is why Body Balance is one of the most energy-intensive workouts among the “quiet gym”. One hour session can burn 300-350 calories.

Classes are held at Body Balance without shoes. Despite the fact that the workouts are suitable for all skill levels, some movements may seem very complicated, especially for those who have never practiced yoga or has a bad stretch. First time use simplified poses, so as not to get injured. Regular practice will help you to improve the technique, strengthen muscles and deepen stretching to try more advanced poses.

How often should I do Body Balance? Overall, the program can be run 2-3 times a week, depending on your goals. If you wish to develop flexibility and plasticity, then do Body Balance 3 times a week. If your goal is to lose weight, 1-2 times per week, combining with other workouts. We do not recommend Body Balance in one day with intensive aerobic or strength training, it is better to allocate them a separate day.

Body Balance classes are suitable for men and women of all ages without any restrictions. To practice Body Balance during pregnancy it is better to consult a doctor.

Features workout Body Balance

The Advantages Of Body Balance:

  1. The program has a beneficial effect on the spine, improves mobility and helps to get rid of back pain.
  2. Thanks to the combination of yoga and Pilates you will strengthen the muscles and improve posture.
  3. Body Balance, develops your flexibility and flexibility, improves coordination.
  4. With exercise Body Balance you tone your muscles, make them flexible and conducive to their rapid recovery.
  5. For training do not need to have a serious physical training (unlike other Les Mills programs, where you will find a serious load), the experience accessible even to beginners in the sport and those who have never practiced yoga.
  6. This program is ideal for improving the mobility of joints and prevent their premature wear.
  7. Body Balance helps relieve stress, calm your thoughts and bring harmony to mind and body.
  8. Training for modern music tracks. Every 3 month there are updates to the music and choreography of the exercises, so you are guaranteed not to be bored.
  9. With this training you will learn proper breathing. It is useful to you in everyday life and when performing aerobic and strength training.
  10. The program can even deal with pregnant girls and those who recently gave birth to a child.

Cons Of Body Balance:

  1. Even doing Body Balance several times a week, you are unlikely to reach their ideal shape. If your goal is to lose weight, pay attention to other programs of Les Mills.
  2. If you are not near a branch of yoga, stretching and Pilates, this program you probably won’t like it.
  3. Though Body Balance and is marketed as a program for all skill levels, beginners will be at first difficult to perform the intricate exercises and postures.

Body Balance: examples of training

If you want to lose weight, you can include Body Balance as a Supplement to your lesson. This will allow you to improve and consolidate the results from the aerobic and power loads. To do just the Body Balance is not the most effective method for weight loss. But for flexibility, relieve stress, improve health and strengthen the body exercise is ideal.

See also:

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