Blackheads: how to remove blackheads from the face?

Blackheads: how to remove blackheads from the face?

Blackheads, also called comedones, are an accumulation of sebum in the pores of the skin. This accumulation eventually oxidizes on contact with air and turns black. Both men and women can be affected, at any age. How to remove blackheads with simple methods and prevent them from coming back? Here are our tips.

The reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face

What is a black point?

Another name for comedo, blackhead is an excess of agglomerated sebum which clogs the pores and which oxidizes on contact with air, becoming black and unsightly. Blackheads are mostly found on the nose, chin, as well as on the forehead for some people. In other words on the T zone, where the production of sebum is the most important.

Who is affected by blackheads?

First of all, it is essential to note that blackheads are not synonymous with poor hygiene. Hormones are indeed the first responsible for comedones. It is therefore in adolescence that they appear first, in both boys and girls, who also produce male hormones. The pores are then dilated and the secretion of sebum is more important, this is called seborrhea. Usually, these blackheads are accompanied by more or less severe acne. In adulthood, blackheads can resist, again due to an overproduction of sebum.

How to remove blackheads with a homemade mask?

Only gels based on acidic vitamin A, only prescribed by dermatologists, can eliminate blackheads present in large quantities on the face. When they are less numerous, it is nevertheless possible to eliminate them little by little with a homemade mask, preceded by a gentle exfoliation.

Prepare your skin with an anti-blackhead exfoliation

Having excess sebum doesn’t mean your skin is very resilient. On the contrary, the sebaceous glands are sensitive and too much exfoliation can stimulate them instead of slowing their production. Preparing the skin before making an anti-blackhead mask must therefore be done gently and with suitable products. In addition, avoid scrubs with beads and prefer softer textures.

Make a homemade blackhead mask

The gentle exfoliation will allow the pores to be opened, the mask will then be able to act more easily to dislodge blackheads. To do this, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of water in a small bowl. This will form a kind of paste that you will need to apply to the affected areas of your face. If possible, lie down so that the mixture stays in place. After 10 to 15 minutes, gently remove the mask with lukewarm water, without rubbing.

Then apply a clarifying lotion enriched with salicylic acid. This natural molecule with purifying and anti-inflammatory properties is very effective in fighting blackheads and enlarged pores.

Remove blackheads with a blackhead remover

The mechanical action to remove blackheads is most effective for immediate results. Dermatologists still prefer this to “squeezing” blackheads with your fingers. The comedone remover has the merit of being hygienic. It is equipped with two heads, one to dislodge the comedo and the other to extract it completely. It is of course essential to disinfect the tool before and after each extraction to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. Then proceed with a gentle cleansing of the skin and application of salicylic acid lotion.

Adopt a new skincare routine to prevent blackheads from coming back

As we have seen previously, products that are too aggressive stimulate the production of sebum. Hence the importance of going towards a much gentler, moisturizing skincare routine adapted to your skin type. This will gradually slow down the production of sebum and therefore the appearance of blackheads.

The products to be favored are those which purify and rebalance the skin, avoiding those which contain alcohol. We can then turn to gentle cleansing products as well as natural products, such as jojoba oil which has a rebalancing effect for oily skin.

Why shouldn’t you extract blackheads with your fingers?

Squeezing blackheads between the two fingers is unfortunately a very bad reflex. Not only will you irritate your skin, which will then swell and turn red, but you also risk bacterial overexposure. Even if you wash your hands, many bacteria can survive and seep into the pore blocked by a blackhead. This will have the immediate result of possibly removing the black point and, as a result to come: the appearance of a real pimple.

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