Bilingual schools

Bilingual schools: their particularities

This name covers very diverse realities, whether in terms of timetable or methods. However, we can distinguish two types of establishments. On the one hand, bilingual schools in the strict sense: the two languages ​​are used on an equal basis. This is the formula offered by some public schools in Alsace and Moselle. On the other hand, private structures organize activities in a foreign language, for six hours per week.

From what age can we register them?

Most of these schools open from the early kindergarten section. It is better to start early: before 6 years of age, the child’s language is in full development. The initiation takes the form of a linguistic bath: as part of fun activities, the child is spoken to in another language. By drawing or tinkering, he thus discovers other ways of designating things. A scenario that emphasizes the usefulness of new words, without breaking the program of the day.

How fast will it progress?

The duration of daily exposure is essential, but the effectiveness of the teaching also depends on a follow-up over several years. If the child only participates in six hours of workshops per week, count a whole schooling until the bac so that he becomes bilingual. Teaching is more regular? In this case, it will progress faster. But do not expect immediate results all the same: it takes at least two years for him to soak up the vocabulary and a new grammar.

What role do parents play in this learning?

Some children spend several years in a bilingual course without ever becoming so: they do not answer questions, or discuss in French with their classmates. Indeed, the duration of the initiation is not the only guarantee of an effective learning: the affective dimension also intervenes. In order for the child to adhere to this new system, it is important that he perceives in his parents an interest in other languages. It is absolutely not a question of speaking to him in English if one is not bilingual yourself: the child feels that you do not express yourself spontaneously. But you can show your openness by watching films in a foreign language …

Doesn’t the child run the risk of mixing the two languages?

Some parents fear that their child will not master French well afterwards. False: if the contact with the teacher is positive, there is no reason for confusion. The more the child learns, the more he will have perspective on his own language. He cuts out the words, understands that an idea can be expressed with different nuances. Perhaps he will not become bilingual after a few years of bilingual education. But that will not have harmed his mother tongue. Quite the contrary.

On what criteria should you choose your school?

Find out about the school’s project and the training of teachers: is it their mother tongue? Is the second language taught through play?

Find out about the program: learning shouldn’t be academic, nor should it be reduced to cartoon sessions.

Another question: the family context. If he already speaks both languages ​​at home, an hour of workshop per day will teach him nothing more. Is it then really necessary?

Finally, remember that most of these schools are private, so the price is quite high.

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