Beetroot juice: benefits and harms. Video

Beetroot juice: benefits and harms. Video

The healing and beneficial properties of beetroot juice have been known for a long time, there is evidence that already in Ancient Egypt it was used to heal wounds and ulcers, restore digestive functions, as an anti-infectious and restorative agent. And now boiled beets are a frequent guest on the table of Russians, but there is much more benefit in fresh juice.

Useful properties of beets and juice from it

Beetroot was also cultivated in Ancient Babylon, it was grown by the peoples inhabiting the Mediterranean, but only leaves – tops were used for food. The root vegetable itself was used for treatment, it was considered inedible, therefore, beet juice was drunk only when they were sick. Beets contain disaccharides, vitamins B and E, a large amount of nicotinic, ascorbic folic acid and iron, other trace elements: magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, chlorine and zinc. Thanks to this, beets and their juice have the widest range of healing effects on the human body.

Regular consumption of beetroot juice strengthens the immune system and improves hematopoietic function, increases the oxygen content in the blood, thereby improving brain activity and oxygenation of muscle tissues. It is useful for those who suffer from anemia, it is recommended to drink it to increase hemoglobin levels and improve blood clotting. The iodine contained in it improves memory, and magnesium prevents blood clots and varicose veins. The juice has the most beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls and lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, this is the first means to normalize blood pressure for hypertensive patients. It normalizes metabolism and lipids, as well as digestive processes.

The ratio of sodium and calcium content in beet juice is optimal and prevents the accumulation of calcium in the blood vessels, which occurs due to the fact that food does not enter the body raw, but in boiled form

Chlorine contained in beet juice helps cleanse the liver, removing toxins and toxins from it, helps cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder, and normalizes the functioning of the entire lymphatic system.

Freshly squeezed beet juice contains a large amount of antioxidants, substances that slow down the aging process and prevent the formation of cancer cells, restoring youth, tone and strength to the body. It is useful for nervous system disorders, systematic sleep disorders. Regular consumption of beetroot juice in the right concentrations and combinations can help improve overall well-being for serious illnesses such as scurvy, diabetes, fatigue and anemia.

It is useful for children who do not get much exposure to the sun to drink beet juice to prevent rickets, and for women – during monthly blood loss. During menopause, using 50-100 ml of diluted beetroot juice 2-3 times a day, you can do without taking medications and synthetic hormones.

Even a single consumption of beetroot juice can cause discoloration of urine and feces, but this is not dangerous, although it may look like blood

Beetroot juice is a natural antiseptic; it prevents a variety of infectious diseases, including the intestines and oral cavity. Small children are given beetroot juice and honey nasal drops, which need to be dripped with a runny nose, they can also be used when the adenoids are enlarged. Beet juice is used to lubricate festering wounds, abrasions and cuts. In case of violations of the intestinal flora after taking antibiotics and dysbiosis caused by staphylococcal infection, you should also take this juice.

Contraindications for taking beetroot juice

It is not recommended to drink beet juice in any concentration and form for those who suffer from cholelithiasis and kidney stones, as it provokes the release of stones. Anyway, contraindications are any renal dysfunction: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude its use for those who have:

  • increased acidity
  • chronic diarrhea
  • low pressure
  • gout and rheumatoid arthritis
  • diabetes

Before you start drinking beet juice, be sure to consult your doctor, even if you have not found any of the listed diseases.

How to drink beetroot juice

Beetroot was not for nothing considered an effective drug, which should be taken in dosage: in its pure form, its juice is poorly absorbed in the body, it can cause not only severe stomach upset, but also dizziness, nausea, up to vomiting. Drinking it immediately after it is squeezed out is also not allowed. It should stand for 3-4 hours in a refrigerator without a lid, while periodically it is necessary to remove the resulting foam from it.

In any cocktail made from vegetable juices, the volume of beet juice should not exceed one third

Beet juice should be drunk, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4, but it should be correctly combined with carrot juice, and the latter should be 8-10 times more. Start with small, 50 ml servings, which should be drunk one hour before meals. The amount of beet juice should be increased gradually. It is better not to drink it before dinner, as the juice has a tonic and invigorating effect. And, like all juices, you need to drink it on the day when it is squeezed out.

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