Beauty expertise: what salon procedures to do before and after the vacation?

In the summer, it is necessary to abandon chemical peels and laser resurfacing of the face, because they violate the integrity of the skin and can provoke excessive pigmentation. It is also better to leave phototherapy in the fall, as this procedure, combined with the hot sun, can cause mini-burns on the skin.

“Such precautions are necessary, but they do not mean at all that with the onset of sunny days all procedures should be abandoned,” plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev is sure. – There are cosmetic procedures designed, on the contrary, to protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment in hot weather. It is recommended to do them in the summer ”.

Before and after: how to prepare your skin for the sun?

Polyrevitalization with NCTF 135 with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and mineral boosters will help prepare the skin to meet the aggressive rays of the sun.

A balanced complex of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, coenzymes, nucleic acids and antioxidants allows you to prepare the skin for sun exposure and conduct active therapy after it. In addition, this technique allows you to activate the reactions of cellular metabolism and accelerate the synthesis of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid. This polyrevitalization procedure prevents skin dehydration, contributes to the correction and prevention of age-related changes – fine wrinkles, reduced tone, flabbiness, heterogeneity of skin color and relief.

How to rejuvenate over the summer?

Plasmolifting is considered one of the most modern effective methods of rejuvenation that can be used in the summer. This beauty treatment is one of the few opportunities to stimulate the skin’s regeneration process by triggering natural recovery mechanisms. The effect is achieved with the help of injections of platelet-rich human own plasma.

“In the summer, the plasmolifting procedure becomes especially important,” says Dr. Iskornev. – This is an effective way to combat photoaging, which almost completely negates the harmful effects of sunlight. The course of procedures is recommended to be done both before and after the vacation, especially if you have a tendency to pigmentation or you have received sunburn. “

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