Balanced snack for children: an essential meal

What’s the best healthy snack for kids?

For good hydration, prefer a natural drink: milk, fruit juice or water. As calcium intake is essential for his bone capital, offer him a dairy product (milk, yogurt, petit-suisse or cheese). If your child does not like milk, offer him yoghurts and homemade desserts: rice or semolina pudding, custard, custard … Do not forget, a grain product : bread or cookies. To replenish your energy! Oatmeal, rye, sourdough or cereal bread are preferred. From time to time, a piece of homemade pie or cake, cookies, but more biscuits or ladyfingers than chocolate cookies. Also give it optionally a fruit or a compote. Imperative for vitamins and fiber, especially if your child has not consumed any at previous meals. Last recommendation: limit sugar intake. For this, avoid pastries, chocolate bars and sodas. In conclusion, a traditional, balanced and energetic snack can consist of a milk chocolate with toast or a glass of milk with bread and a few squares of chocolate. But it’s good to vary as much as possible to develop your children’s taste.

What is the best snack for school?

When your child goes to school, there may not be enough time to prepare for the best taste. Do not panic ! You can, in terms of drink, slip a gourd of water in your child’s schoolbag. As for food, you can also give it a piece of fruit (like a banana for example), a few small butters, or even a square of chocolate!

Ideas and examples of snacks for a good healthy snack


Snack for 12-18 months:banana milkshake + boudoir or yogurt with cereals + fruit juice or cottage cheese with grated apple + biscuit + water.

 Snack for 18 months-3 years old: gingerbread + apple + milk or bread + dark chocolate + fruit yogurt + glass of water or cottage cheese with muesli + dried fruit + fruit juice or toast with honey + half an apple + hot chocolate.

Snack for 3-6 year olds: toast + chocolate spread + clementine wedges + 1 glass of milk or toast + fresh goat cheese + apricot juice or bread + rhubarb compote sprinkled with grated chocolate + milk or jam pancakes + hot chocolate or cake with nuts + hot honey milk.

In video: What is the ideal healthy snack?

In video: What is the ideal snack?

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