Attention: the earliest symptom of coronavirus is named

Attention: the earliest symptom of coronavirus is named

Experts around the world, roll up their sleeves, continue to investigate COVID-19. Recently, scientists from the University of Barcelona made another discovery.

Attention: the earliest symptom of coronavirus is named

On November 17, 2020, the coronavirus celebrated its first birthday. And if half a year ago we did not know so much about covid, recently new information has been received daily and in huge quantities – scientists are conducting research and note new signs and features of the disease.

So, the other day, experts from the University of Barcelona said that 70% of people who fell ill with COVID-19, at the earliest stages, complained of dry nose. And only then their sense of smell and taste completely disappeared.

Scientists speculate that the loss of smell in COVID-19 is associated with the shutdown of the goblet cells, which help the molecules of the odorants – the substances responsible for smells – to adhere to the corresponding receptors.

That is why drying out of the mucous membrane appears.

It is noteworthy that dryness in the nose remains with the patient for about the same period as the loss of smell. On average, this figure is from eight to twelve days, and then gradually returns to normal.

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

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