Athlete’s foot (fungal infection)

Athlete’s foot (fungal infection)

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that usually affects the skin between the toes. Redness appears in the folds, then the skin dries and peels.

In North America, 10 to 15% of adults will be affected by athlete’s foot at least once in their lifetime. Recurrences are common if not treated properly.

The name derives from the fact that athletes are frequently affected. The sweating feet creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of fungi: humid, warm and dark.

In addition, walking barefoot on a wet floor in a public place (for example, in a sports center locker room or by a swimming pool) also increases the risk of contracting the infection. However, you don’t have to be athletic or attend training halls to catch it.


The champignons Parasites responsible for athlete’s foot and other fungal skin infections are of the dermatophyte family. They are microscopic in size and feed on the dead tissue of the skin, hair and nails.

Most of the time, one or the other 2 species following is in question: the Trichophyton rubrum or Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Possible complications

  • Onychomycose. Over time, if left untreated, athlete’s foot can spread and reach toenails. The infection is then more difficult to treat. The nails thicken and change color. See our file Onychomycosis;
  • Bacterial cellulitis. This is the most to fear, because the most serious. Bacterial cellulitis is an infection of the deep layer of the skin by bacteria, usually of the streptococcus or staphylococcus genus. One of its main causes is athlete’s foot. This is because athlete’s foot can cause ulceration (more or less deep lesion) of the skin, which allows the penetration of other microorganisms into the body. Bacterial cellulitis creates redness and swelling in the skin, which then becomes sensitive. The infection can spread from the foot to the ankle, then to the leg. Fever and chills accompany it. Bacterial cellulitis can be very serious and you should see a doctor as soon as possible if these symptoms appear.

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