Assertiveness: this is how it affects your mind to say ‘yes to everything’ for fear of rejection

Assertiveness: this is how it affects your mind to say ‘yes to everything’ for fear of rejection


The psychologists Jesús Matos and Elena Huguet, from the team of In Mental Balance, explain why it is false that we have to accept everything so that they love us or so that they do not reject us

Assertiveness: this is how it affects your mind to say ‘yes to everything’ for fear of rejectionPM2:02

One of the distorted beliefs described by the scientific literature that can most affect our well-being is the idea that it is an extreme necessity for the adult human being to be loved and approved by practically every significant person in society. This way of seeing life can lead us to believe that put limits or saying no when we do not agree with something or simply do not think it is good can lead to others rejecting us or dislike us.

But the reality is different. When we learn to set limits and begin to say ‘no’, what happens is that others begin to respect each other. The key is to learn to communicate from the assertiveness, that is, learn to respect our rights without stepping on the rights of others. In this way, we begin to educate others about how we deserve to be treated.

When we don’t, we run the risk of putting our desires aside. We adopt a passive attitude and we began to try to satisfy the desires of others, leaving us completely aside. This, little by little, separates us from who we are, which makes us more unhappy with each passing day.

In addition, sometimes, when we have been passive for a long time and we are burned out, we jump when our interlocutor least expects it to an aggressive communication style to defend our rights, but stepping on those of others.

Try the assertive style

When we incorporate an assertive communication style into our lives, we not only see how our social relationships improve, but also this change is usually accompanied by a increased self-esteem and the concept we have of ourselves.

Assertiveness is a tremendously useful tool to avoid falling into the dark networks of the emotional manipulation. In the end, the only people who are going to bother that we start to set limits are those who are taking advantage of that absence of limits.

About the authors

Jesús Matos directs the team of psychologists of ‘In Mental Balance’. He has a Master’s degree in clinical and health psychology (UCM) and in Legal and Forensic Psychology (European Foundation of Psychology). Author of the book “Good morning, Joy” (Zenith), director of the website, collaborator of specialized scientific media and speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

Elena Huguet, who is part of this same team, is, in addition to being a registered psychologist, an expert in Brief Strategic Therapy and combines her activity with research in the UCM doctoral program. He participates in numerous international congresses and in scientific publications.

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