Benefits of one day fasting

Everyone knows the fact that intermittent fasting is good for the body. Our ancestors were strong, although they did not always have a chance for a hearty meal. Modern people eat in advance, not giving hunger a chance to reveal itself.

In recent years, one-day fasting has become widespread. Their effectiveness is lower compared to long-term diets, however, with the right approach, the result of even one day a week will have a noticeable effect. To do this, such approaches should be regular.

Koda Mitsuo, a scientist famous for his developments in nutrition, put it this way: “If you begin to refuse food every week for one day and methodically return to your usual diet, you will achieve the effect of a long-term diet.” He is not the only supporter of this approach.

Statements of experts about daily fasting.

Daily fasting practiced throughout the year helps to improve the constitution and get rid of ailments.

This type of fasting relieves stress from the internal organs, relieves them of fatigue. There are cases when an early degree of diabetes passed due to the fact that the pancreas was allocated several days of rest during the fasting period.

One day without eating can rejuvenate a person for three months.

Even the famous Hippocrates, Avicenna and other physicians of the past practiced this method. Modern science has collected a lot of evidence that short fasting has a healing effect, speeds up metabolism, rejuvenates the human body, and slows down aging. During the fasting period, the body spends energy on fighting ailments and cleansing, and not on the laborious digestion of food. Personal experience has shown me that I dealt with a mild cold on an empty stomach in two days, and with a severe form of flu in three days. In addition, after such treatment, I looked like after expensive anti-aging procedures. The body was glad to have a break, which affected the better both externally and internally.

An important advice in the treatment of ailments by hunger is strictly no medication! Only water is allowed, often and little by little. The body needs one and a half to two liters of fluid per day.

Another advantage of a little abstinence from food has also been noticed. In addition to a noticeable improvement in appearance and internal cleansing, it increases the possibilities of your imagination, increases your creativity. One striking example is John Lennon, who practiced such fasting.

T. Toyeo, one of the members of the Japanese House of Commons, advised weekly one-day food refusals to rejuvenate the body and activate brain activity. He emphasized that this is not a banal form of diet aimed only at losing weight, but, more importantly, it is a catalyst for brain function. Thanks to this, the head works more clearly and useful ideas come up more often.

Another important tip – before giving up food, you should first cleanse your digestion. Two days before the start of fasting, exclude animal products from the menu. A diet based on cereals, vegetables and fruits will be useful.

How to start.

It is worth starting, of course, gradually. Start with one or two days of no food. If your health allows, next time you can abstain for three days.

Remember the rule – how many days you abstained from food, the same number of days should take the exit from this state.

Gradually, without being too zealous and not in a hurry, you can bring the period of refusal of food to seven days. It is advisable to repeat such a long fast no more than once every six months. A longer period of abstinence is undesirable and considered dangerous.

As with any other undertaking in this business, it is important to believe in yourself in your success. It is necessary to be optimistic about the upcoming fasting. In this case, you will certainly expect the desired result. Your body learns to cope with most diseases without medication. Over time, with regular practice, you will generally forget about most of the ailments that bother you.

weight loss effect.

An important nuance for many modern people is that regular daily food refusals help in weight loss.

Scientists from America have found that even one day of abstinence from food per month leads to positive changes in the human body.

The results of the study revealed that such fasting once a month, with systematic repetition, helps to reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases by 40%. People with asthma are less likely to experience attacks. Controlled short-term stress experienced by the body is best reflected in strengthening immunity. As a result, the risk of developing cancer is reduced.

Recent studies report that there is no need to not eat for a whole day. It is enough to skip one of the usual meals to feel the result. The main condition is regularity and regularity and the use of a sufficient amount of liquid.

What is the easiest way to cope at the beginning of the journey?

It is necessary to set yourself up positively for the coming changes. At first, not eating will cause justified stress and a desire to quit. Keep your goals in mind and stay motivated.

It is advisable not to overeat on the eve of fasting. This will reduce the difference in calories consumed and make it easier to endure the refusal of food.

Take a break from doing something you love to do. It will help you not to think too often about the feeling of hunger. For this reason, it is not advised to conduct the first fasting session on weekdays when you are bound by work.

My daily fasting method.

  1. Sunday. During the day I eat as usual. At six o’clock in the evening a light dinner.

  2. Monday. I abstain from food all day. I drink water. Starting at six o’clock in the evening, I begin to gradually get out of this state. I eat a light salad without dressing. Maybe a small piece of bread. Later I can afford a small portion of porridge without butter.
  3. Exit from daily fasting.

I will give the main advice of P. Bragg on nutrition.

One day – you can dilute one third of a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice in one glass of water. The water will taste better and be able to neutralize toxins.

When returning to your usual diet, you should first eat a light salad. Preferably from fresh carrots and cabbage. A portion of this salad will perfectly cleanse the digestive tract. A little later, you can eat vegetables and herbs.

It is very important to remember the strict rule – you can not end the fast with animal products. That is, it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, cheese and so on when leaving.

Physiology allows each of us without damage to the body to withstand several days without food and liquid. Only our habit makes us think that it is deadly.

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