Apple tree Bashkir Handsome

Apple tree Bashkir Handsome

The apple tree “Bashkir handsome” won the hearts of gardeners with its main feature: it is not afraid of temperature changes, sudden changes in the weather. This variety is the work of Russian breeders. Due to its properties, it is widely used in gardens and orchards in the middle zone.

Unpretentious apple tree – Bashkir variety

It is a neat, medium-sized tree. It has a smooth trunk and a rounded crown. The branches are directed upward at an acute angle. The variety has an external feature that distinguishes it from other species. Its shoots have a light fluff at the ends.

Apple tree “Bashkir handsome” gives green fruits with a bright blush

In addition to good adaptation to weather conditions, its distinctive qualities can be distinguished:

  • the fruits are large, on average, one apple weighs 120 g;
  • they are rounded. Ripe green fruits with a bright raspberry blush;
  • fruiting begins 4 years after planting. Flowers need insect pollination;
  • high-yielding variety;
  • grainy pulp has a bright taste and aroma.

Apples are stored for a long time. They are versatile, their sweet and sour taste is good both for fresh consumption and in desserts and drinks.

Growing an apple tree of the Bashkir variety

The tree will grow without maintenance, but it takes little effort to get a decent harvest. The following recommendations will help with this:

  • the place for the seedling must be protected from the wind. You can even plant it behind a house or shed. The main thing is that he should not feel the northern winds on himself;
  • the tree forms a powerful root system, which can go up to 4 m deep. There should be no groundwater close to the surface at the planting site. Otherwise, the roots will begin to rot, the plant may even die from this;
  • a pit 30 cm deep is suitable for planting. We lower the seedling and straighten the roots, then carefully cover it with earth. Leave about 2 cm from the beginning of the root collar on the surface. Lightly compact the soil, water and cover with mulch;
  • You can use eggshells, rotting grass, compost, or wood ash as fertilizers. Together with top dressing, we loosen the soil and water it, cover it with straw or leaves on top.

The tree needs pruning. Weak shoots should be removed – they have few buds, as well as dry and painful ones. This procedure will direct the forces of the plant to the formation of fruits, thereby increasing the yield.

You can harvest in late August or early September. Take your time to enjoy fresh fruit right away. Let them lie down for a week – so they will acquire all the fullness and richness of taste.

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