Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Many anglers, mostly beginners, pay little attention to the use of attractants in the process of fishing. They are mostly engaged in technical matters. They are primarily interested in the nature of gear, so they try to acquire more modern gear. As a result, the angler may be left without a catch at all, and if there is at least some bite, he will not enjoy fishing. The use of attractants allows you to activate even the most sluggish biting fish. They are called so: bite activators.

Рыбалка и анисовые капли

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Для усиления клева, на практике, используют следующие ароматизаторы:

  • Vanilla.
  • Koriandr.
  • Dill.
  • Cinnamon.

In addition to these and many others, anise drops are also used. One way or another, you should not get too carried away with them, otherwise too much dose may not attract fish, but scare them away.

Before using anise drops, it is advisable:

  1. Try out the attractant on a regular bait. It is quite possible that in a single reservoir such a flavoring agent is not perceived by fish.
  2. If the bait attracts fish, then this attractant can be included in the bait.

anise oil

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

On the shelves of fishing stores, it is really possible to find a lot of different essences that are used in the process of preparing baits. For example:

  • Apple essence.
  • Barberry essence.
  • Pear essence.
  • banana essence.
  • Raspberry essence.
  • anise essence.
  • Currant essence.
  • Strawberry essence.

Anise oil can be quite rare compared to the others on the list. Despite this, it is it that is able to distinguish the bait among the many baits of other anglers.

Ammonium-anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

To provide yourself with this type of flavoring, it is enough to plant anise in the country or in the backyard. This plant is unpretentious, so there should be no problems with growing it. Subsequently, it will be possible to prepare ammonia-anise drops from anise seeds, providing yourself with a catchy flavor. At the same time, it is not necessary to prepare them for the future, but it is enough to prepare them for the next two weeks.

Как используются анисовые капли

Anise drops are mainly used for the preparation of baits based on cereals and cornmeal. In addition to anise drops, a bloodworm or chopped dung worm is added to such a composition. This approach is only promising if fishing is carried out in spring or autumn. During these periods, the fish prefers high-calorie animal food.

TOP 10 Attractants for fishing for crucian, carp, roach. Do-it-yourself attractant for fishing

Do-it-yourself anise drops for fishing

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

To make such a catchy flavor, you will have to prepare:

  1. Anise seeds.
  2. Ammonia.
  3. Coffee quiet.
  4. Piece of gauze 20×20 cm.

Cooking method.

  1. Anise seeds are ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Crushed seeds are mixed with ammonia.
  3. Смесь должна настояться в течение 24 часов.
  4. Remove the crushed seeds from the mixture by passing it through cheesecloth.

Using anise drops in bait

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

To provide yourself with bait with anise drops, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Choose a feed base. It can be any cereal, such as barley, peas, corn, wheat and pearl barley, or a combination of these cereals.
  2. Grains can be ground in a blender or whole seeds can be used.
  3. The next step is boiling the cereal.
  4. В состав добавляется кукурузная мука.
  5. В смесь добавляются анисовые капли.
  6. The composition is kneaded to a dough state.

Консистенция состава должна быть такой, чтобы из теста можно было катать шары. При этом, они не должны разваливаться в момент удара об воду, а в процессе падения они должны оставлять после себя кормовое облако. В теплое время года концентрация анисовых капель в прикормке должна составлять 1/20 часть, а с понижением температуры уменьшается и концентрация аттрактанта.

Fishing for bream with anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

When catching any fish, first of all there is a catchy place. To do this, you need to sit in one place, cast bait and wait for the fish to come to the place of fishing. This process does not require active baiting of fish, it is enough to use a minimum amount of bait, but always with flavoring. Coriander, dill, cumin, flax, cinnamon, etc., including anise drops, are suitable as a flavoring agent.

The bream prefers to feed in those places where there is a lot of shell rock. Very often, anglers add the meat of these shells to the bait. Sometimes they are simply crushed without separating the meat from the shell.

Using anise drops, bait for bream is prepared as follows:

  1. Crush breadcrumbs.
  2. The shells are separated from the valves.
  3. After that, the shells are crushed (shell meat).
  4. Отваривается горох.
  5. Pickled corn is added to the composition.
  6. Then chopped meat of shells and maggot is added here, although you can do without it.
  7. Anise drops are added at the rate of 1/20 part.
  8. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Catching carp using anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

When going fishing in order to catch crucian carp, it should be remembered that ammonia-anise drops in this case will not bring a positive result. Everything here is connected with a strongly pronounced smell of ammonia. As for the usual anise drops, they need to be added to the bait. When preparing bait for crucian carp, it is kneaded on the water on which the crushed anise seeds were prepared.


Application of anise drops with pearl barley

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Barley is almost the main component of most bait. Recently, when a huge number of baits with various attractants are used, the fish have already begun to sort out baits. In this case, she may already be interested in new smells, and here it is time for real experiments. The use of new smells will allow you to get a fairly active bite.

To prepare groundbait based on pearl barley, with the addition of anise drops, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Water is brought to a boil.
  2. Anise seeds are crushed and placed in water.
  3. Сюда же добавляется перловка. Готовится с постоянным помешиванием.
  4. The mixture is cooked over low heat for 45 minutes. The amount of water should be in a ratio of 5:1. Before the barley is completely cooked, whole anise and hemp seeds are added here, with toasted sunflower seeds.

In the process of preparing pearl barley, berries that grow on the shore of a reservoir can be added to the bait. This approach will not allow you to be left without fish.

Using Bread Crumb with Anise Drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Along with anise drops, you can use regular bread crumb. How it’s done:

  1. The bread crumb is kneaded with milk.
  2. Egg yolk and honey are added here.
  3. All the ingredients are kneaded, with the addition of vegetable oil.
  4. After that, a teaspoon of anise drops is added to the dough.
  5. For greater appeal, food coloring is added to the dough.

Such a nozzle catches carp and fish of the carp family. If the nozzle does not hold well on the hook, then medical cotton wool is added to the dough as a reinforcing substance.

Making sweet dough with anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Most fish can be called a sweet tooth, therefore, honey or vanilla sugar should be added to the bait. In this case, you can enhance the effect of bait by adding anise drops.

Groundbait with garlic and anise drops

To prepare the dough with the addition of garlic and anise drops, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Anise drops are poured into vegetable oil, at the rate of 1/20 parts.
  2. Garlic juice is also squeezed out here.
  3. After that, the dough is kneaded from wheat flour, vegetable oil, garlic and anise drops.
  4. The mixture should be infused for 1 hour.
  5. После этого, отваривается картофель и очищается от кожуры.
  6. The potatoes are crushed.
  7. The dough and potatoes are mixed, after which the dough is placed in a plastic bag.
  8. Тесто вымешивается до нужной консистенции. Если необходимо, то к тесту добавляется мука и масло.

Preparation of rolls with anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Independent production of balls with anise drops comes down to the preparation of the following components:

  • Corn flour.
  • Eggs.
  • anise drops.
  • Vanilla sugar.
  • Durable red thread.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Water.
  • Containers where the pellets will be prepared.

Technology of preparation:

  1. A glass of corn or wheat flour is poured into the container.
  2. Eggs, sugar, anise drops and water are also added here.
  3. Knead a pretty cool dough.
  4. The dough is divided into small pieces, the size of a pea.
  5. These pieces roll into balls.
  6. Peas from the dough are left on the table for 15 minutes.
  7. After that, all the peas are strung on a thread using a sewing needle.
  8. A container is taken, water is poured into it and brought to a boil.
  9. After that, the pellets are placed in the water and boiled until they float to the surface of the water.
  10. Once cooked, the dough peas are taken out of the water and hung up where they are to dry.
  11. После того, как катыши высохнут, нитку отрезают, причем так, чтобы вокруг этой горошины, из теста, можно было завязать нитку.

Based on this, it should be noted that the spools must be strung on a thread in such a way that there is enough space between them so that when the thread is cut off, it is enough to form a knot. In addition, it should be noted that it is desirable to dry the pellets in the shade so that they are not affected by direct sunlight. To prepare Pop Up pellets, they are cooked not in water, but in a microwave oven, for 5 minutes. Knots must be tied thoroughly, as the bait will be held on the hook with a thread. It is desirable that the spools dry thoroughly, otherwise they will become moldy during storage.

The use of oatmeal with anise drops

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

If you combine oats and anise drops, you get an equally catchy bait. For this you need:

  1. Oat grains are soaked in water (about 3 hours).
  2. The grains are washed.
  3. Pour clean water and cook over low heat.
  4. Before use, oat grains are dipped in anise drops.

In the process of cooking, you need to make sure that the oats are not digested, otherwise they will not stick on the hook.

Shelf life

Anise drops for fishing: recipes, how to use

Self-preparation of anise drops does not imply their long-term storage. This is due to the insufficiency of their chemical and thermal processing. In this regard, you should not prepare many drops at once. You need to cook enough to last for a couple of weeks of successful fishing.

After this period, they will become unusable. Store-bought anise drops can be stored for a couple of years after the bottle has been opened.

Where to buy and how much anise drops cost

Anise drops can be purchased either from a pharmacy or an angler’s shop. One package costs about 30-40 rubles, and their volume is enough for as much as 2 years.

On the other hand, you should not get carried away with attractants, especially of chemical origin. It is necessary to strictly observe the doses, otherwise the effect of their use may be retroactive. Instead of luring fish, you can simply scare them away with a strong scent of anise drops or other attractant.

What activators, dips, smells do fish like. Part 1

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