An online store to export Spanish gastronomy

An online store to export Spanish gastronomy

Spanish food and wines can be purchased online with the click of a button

The Alimentos y Vinos de España (Foods and wines from Spain) store is a joint project between the Amazon Marketplace and the Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX)

Its main objective is disseminate and disseminate the quality of Spanish products and promote their sale to international consumers.

A very current way of establishing new ways of collaboration in a digital and interconnected world, which every day sees more in eCommerce the possibility of acquiring food products from different countries, with the security that the international Amazon marketplace protects.

The project brings to the knowledge of buyers around the world the brands of Spanish cuisine of case 2 hundreds of companies that from the beginning have opted to be present in the virtual showcase.

Bringing Spanish gastronomy closer to the rest of the world

The growing commitment of Amazón to expand its networks within the food and beverage market, seems to have no limit, and now this initiative with institutional support, will open even more if possible, the possibility of acquiring products of Spanish Denominations of Origin to the rest of the world.

The export of local products seems to have also entered a disruptive world, through the Amazon marketplace, not only large brands can already offer their products to different countries, but also access to small and medium-sized companies in the sector, as well is a reality.

Now they have an interesting journey with this opening, and a new opportunity to get on the export bandwagon with a technological premium player.

The wide Cabinet of national products is headed by Iberian pork products, olive oil, cheeses, preserves, wines, etc …

Apart from the opening of the virtual market on the Seattle giant’s website, in our country, the product showcase will also be available at two of our best culinary ambassadors, Germany and the United Kingdom, as a result of the huge influx of cars from these origins. towards our country.

Clients Amazon Prime They will be able to receive the products, sold directly by Amazon or by other sellers that use the Amazon logistics service, in 24 hours at their home without shipping costs.

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