Altruist – who is he? Will we find a place for altruism in the XNUMXst century?

An altruist is a noble, empathetic person, ready to help those in need. Is there still room for altruism in our world?

Not everyone will think about themselves – the altruist is me. We live fast. We are career, success and consumption oriented. We take care of ourselves and the family. We often treat people instrumentally, we perceive them when we need them for immediate purposes. We value those who have achieved success, are “on top”. What about those who have not adapted to the changing reality and who are waiting for our help? In other words, do altruism and altruism exist?

What is altruism? Who is an altruist?

This concept was born in the nineteenth century. French sociologist August Comte first used it when he envisioned a positivist society in which its members care for each other, build prosperity and support the weak.

What is altruism? The definition of altruism is as follows: it is a behavior aimed at helping others, selfless willingness to sacrifice.

An altruist is a person who does not expect attention and applause for his actions for the benefit of others. The key to properly understanding the slogan “altruist” is the word “selfless.” It turns out that helping others without counting on reciprocity or other benefits for yourself is not obvious at all? Several names could be mentioned of well-known altruists. However, the thought springs in your head that they are not completely disinterested when their activities are shown on television and other media. Should we then help only in silence and solitude, so as not to be exposed to the opinion that we are not doing it only out of the heart?

Selfless altruism

Selfless Altruism – What Does It Mean? So unknowingly a pleonasm arose. After all, the definition of altruism already includes the concept: disinterested. But, as it has been said, usually self-interest (whether intentionally or not) accompanies the support of the weaker, altruism is not completely disinterested.

And yet, there are activities in which one person sacrifices himself to another, not counting on rewards. Usually it is spontaneous when there is no time to plan and think about the consequences. This is, for example, rushing to rescue a drowning person or saving a wounded person in an accident. Although in such situations one should rather talk about heroism.

Altruist – examples

Selfless altruism consists mainly of small activities, e.g. shopping for a sick neighbor, helping someone to learn. It is also altruistic, for example, to take a ride to a doctor, provide a telephone or, finally, throw a few zlotys into a beggar’s can. Like little things, but life consists of little things. Some animals are altruistic, for example monkeys look after an orphaned monkey or elephants that help their “kinsmen” get out of oppression.

Why are we (are not) altruists?

We humans are said to have a structure in our brains responsible for altruistic behavior. And yet some people are not sensitive to the problems of others and instead of shaking hands with the lying person, they will kick him.

Parents, including the school, are largely responsible for such behavior. A young man needs the right role models. When they are not provided by the closest environment, then there is no chance for empathy to arise. Being compassionate is the first step to altruism.

In the XNUMXst century, there is still much to be done for those who have failed to achieve success, who are lonely or sick. Better is an altruist than a heartless selfish, if only to feel better with yourself. (Oh, that self-interest again!).

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