All about lice

It itches, it hurts and in addition to being tough, lice reproduce at breakneck speed! Tips and recommendations for a head without corny.

My child has lice, what should I do?

Your little one complains of itching ? They may be lice! Do not waste time to start a rigorous inspection of his hair … To do this, equip yourself with good lighting, possibly a magnifying glass and a comb. Separate the hair strand by strand and carefully scan his scalp, looking for any suspicious beast. Yes nits are visible to the naked eye, it is necessary to pass the hair with a fine comb to catch the lice and then to note their presence. Check the neck, temples and behind the ears. If your child does seem to have it, go to the pharmacy ! Also remember to watch the rest of the family.

Last recommendation : do not forget to notify the school, daycare, leisure center or sports club … If your child is the first concerned in the establishment he attends, the staff will make the necessary arrangements to limit contagion.

Lice and nits: itchy!

Pediculosis is the medical term for a lice infestation. To “pump” blood more easily, lice inject their saliva into the scalp. Immediately the the child’s immune system is stimulated. The defense reaction it causes is accompanied in 50 to 60% of cases of pruritus (itching).

Lice and nits: stop preconceived ideas!

For a long time, pediculosis was seen as the response to a lack of hygiene and cleanliness. False ! It even seems that lice are more attracted to clean hair … Similarly, contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as “ragweed”. All children, blond, brown or red are likely to be one day concerned, especially in the age group 3-10 years.

Lice don’t jump and fly, since they do not have wings. On the other hand, they move 23 cm per minute on average… a performance for such small critters! Even very short contact with infested hair is enough for their propagation. This is why it is essential to explain to children do not exchange hats, scarves, cuddly toys… And forbid little girls to lend themselves barrettes, scrunchies or hairbrushes.

Anti-lice products: how does it work?

Anti-lice can be bought in pharmacies. There are two main categories of anti-lice products: 

  • Insecticides (mainly based on pyrethrin or malathion), in shampoo, lotion, spray, aerosol … Use sparingly and carefully, follow the instructions for use and the minimum age indicated.
  • Treatments based on asphyxiating products. Based on fatty substances (mineral paraffin oil, coconut, dimeticone, etc.), they block the orifices of the louse, preventing it from breathing and causing it to suffocate. A mechanical action which makes these products less irritating than insecticides. 

In all cases, ask your pharmacist for advice, especially for a young child, or if he has asthma. 

Natural anti-lice products

You will also find “anti-lice” products made from natural products, mainly based on lavender oil. Parents are turning more and more towards natural alternatives, for the health of the children but also for the environment. In spray or lotion, the choice is yours.

To know : lavender essential oil has many virtues, including that of repelling lice and nits. It is mainly used to prevent. It is enough to apply two or three drops of it in the neck or behind the ears of your little one before going to school.

Lice and nits: the right reflexes to get rid of them

Eradicating the lice colony that is bothering your little one goes through both scalp treatment and environmental treatment. Put his pillowcase, soft toys, clothes, in the machine, at very high temperature (at least 50 ° C). As a precaution, also clean the carpets and rugs in the house.

Lice and nits: precautions to take

Regularly, you can style your little one with a special anti-lice comb bought in pharmacies, preferably steel (they also remove nits). If you haven’t thought about buying some, your nails and a little patience will do just fine! 

If your child is not infected yet but the school announces that “Lice are back! “, you can use an anti-lice shampoo as a preventive measure, once a week only.

Are you an expert on lice? Check your knowledge by taking our “Misconceptions about lice” test

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