Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

In this publication, we will look at the rules and practical examples of how natural numbers (two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit) can be added in a column.


Column addition rules

Two or more numbers with any number of digits can be added to a column. For this:

  1. We write the first number (for convenience, we start with the one with more digits).
  2. Under it we write the second number so that the digits of the same digit of both numbers are located strictly under each other (i.e. tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds, etc.).
  3. Similarly, we write down the third and subsequent numbers, if any.
  4. We draw a horizontal line that will separate the terms from the sum.
  5. We proceed to the addition of numbers – separately for each digit of the summed numbers (from right to left), we write the result under the line in the same column. In this case, if the sum of the column turned out to be two-digit, we write the last digit in it, and transfer the first one to the next digit (on the left), i.e. we add to the numbers contained in it (see example 2). Sometimes, as a result of such an action, one more senior digit appears in the sum, which was not originally there (see example 4). In rare cases, when there are many terms, it may be necessary to transfer not to one, but to several digits.

Stacking Examples

Example 1

Let’s add two-digit numbers: 41 and 57.

Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

Example 2

Find the sum of the numbers: 37 and 28.

Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

Example 3

Let’s calculate the sum of two-digit and three-digit numbers: 56 and 147.

Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

Example 4

Let’s sum three-digit numbers: 485 and 743.

Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

Example 5

Let’s add two-digit, three-digit and four-digit numbers: 62, 341, 578 and 1209.

Adding two-digit, three-digit and multi-digit numbers in a column

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