Acne removal at home. Video

Acne removal at home. Video

It is not always possible to get to a dermatologist cosmetologist to remove a pimple. Many squeeze them out on their own, which provokes an increase in acne. This can be avoided if you know how to properly clean your skin at home.

Types of acne – what can be dealt with at home, and what is better to entrust to a beautician

There are several types of rashes that appear on the skin of the face. Allergic acne – bubbles filled with liquid do not need to be squeezed out, they will quickly go away after using antihistamines. It is quite difficult to deal with inflamed abscesses at home, since the focus of inflammation is usually located deep in the skin, and it is impossible to squeeze it out the first time. Comedones are black spots on the cheeks and nose. They are the easiest to deal with. It is almost impossible to remove dense white pimples (they are also called millet and wen), it is better to entrust this process to a cosmetologist.

Millet or wen is a white pimple that has a “leg” that attaches it to the skin. It is quite difficult to remove them completely at home. In addition, the pimple will have to be pierced with a sharp needle, which is quite painful, and may leave a scar

How to properly remove acne

Pimples and comedones must be removed so that there is no scar left: it will remind you of the operation performed for a long time. You should also be wary of the occurrence of inflammation, which will surely begin if you do not disinfect the skin around the pimple before and after the cosmetic procedure.

Small black pimples on the nose and cheeks are comedones. They can be removed with a scrub. To do this, apply a small amount of product to areas of accumulation of comedones and rub thoroughly. The top layer of the skin, and with it the excess oil that clogs the pores, will be removed. If single black dots remain, remove them manually. To do this, wipe the tips of your fingers and the skin around the comedones with alcohol lotion. Then gently, pressing with two nails on the skin, squeeze out the pimples. After removing them, wipe the skin with lotion again.

Some acne is not caused by skin or metabolic problems, but molluscum contagiosum. This is a viral disease that is transmitted through household items. Most often it goes away on its own within six months

You need to be very careful when removing inflamed pimples at home. You cannot squeeze them out as soon as they appear. The focus of inflammation is still too deep, and the purulent sac may burst under the skin. The infection will enter the bloodstream and the pimples will spread all over the face. It is worth waiting until the white head of an inflamed pimple appears above the skin, after which it must be squeezed out in the same way as a comedone. Before doing the procedure, be sure to disinfect your face and hands. Remember that if you do not successfully squeeze the pimple, a scar may remain. Therefore, if you are not sure of a successful outcome, it is better to entrust the elimination of inflamed acne to a cosmetologist.

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