Acne on the skin: how to relieve redness? Video

Acne on the skin: how to relieve redness? Video

Even on the most seemingly well-groomed, clean and healthy skin, pimples may appear from time to time. This may be due to a change in hormonal levels, a violation of the diet, stress and other reasons. But even after eliminating the main problem, redness may remain on the skin, causing a lot of trouble to their owner.

Why do red spots appear after acne

Acne and redness from them can appear in various parts of the face: on the forehead, on the chin, in the area of ​​the nose, temples, etc. There is nothing wrong with red acne spots: they are a new layer of skin that forms in place of the old and damaged by the rash. There are various methods to effectively relieve such redness.

Removing redness with a gentle scrub

Redness will go away in a few days if you help the new layer of skin to form faster. Applying a gentle scrub to the damaged area will remove the remnants of old epithelium, and regeneration will be significantly accelerated. After cleansing, treat the surface of the skin with a decoction of chamomile: it will dry out the inflammation and relieve irritation.

Chamomile broth can be pre-frozen and wiped over your face with an ice cube. The decoction can also include herbs such as calendula, sage, string, and mint.

Which moisturizer is best for combating redness

After treating the skin with herbal decoction, apply a moisturizer. In this case, a cream with tea tree extract, which has antibacterial and regenerating properties, is best suited. You can also periodically apply creams with salicylic acid to the area of ​​redness of the face, but the aggressive salicylic ointment in its pure form is no longer worth using.

Masks based on white clay perfectly restore the structure and natural complexion, as it promotes accelerated regeneration. Cucumber masks moisturize the skin and relieve irritation.

If you need to quickly remove redness from acne

One of the popular cosmetics used to quickly combat redness is a fluoride toothpaste that has both drying and antibacterial properties. Prepare a mask from the paste and apply to problem areas. At the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream so as not to dry the skin.

You can also try alcohol lotions – salicylic alcohol also dries the skin, relieves redness and inflammation. For long-term acne, accompanied by local redness, chlorhexidine bigluconate, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will help.

However, it is possible to use this remedy only if you do not have a tendency to allergic reactions and dermatitis.

Ordinary nasal drops will also help to quickly improve the condition of the skin. Apply a few drops of nazivin to a cotton pad and apply to the areas of redness. The vessels will narrow and the redness will disappear.

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