Accurate calculation: how to make a balanced diet

A balanced diet is like a mosaic, each piece of which complements each other, creating a single picture. In the diet, this role is played by proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To maintain health, it is important not just to consume them regularly, but also to do it correctly.

Protein equality

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Proteins in a proper balanced diet can not be replaced by any other element. For the body, both full and incomplete proteins are important. The first include products of animal origin (meat, fish, milk), which contain all the most important amino acids. The second group consists of plant food. However, some cereals and potatoes can also boast of full-fledged proteins.

It is believed that the adult body needs an average of 90 g of protein per day. But here it is important to know how to calculate the protein in the diet, based on the lifestyle. First, you need to calculate the normal weight. If your height is below 165 cm, subtract 100 from it, if above 165 cm-subtract 110. The resulting figure is conventionally a normal weight. Dieters multiply the normal weight by 2. Those who are actively engaged in sports-by 1.6. The result will be the daily norm of protein in grams.

Harmony of fats

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Everyone knows that vitamins play an important role in a balanced diet. But, for example, vitamins A, D, E are not absorbed by the body without lipids, that is, fats, which makes fats another essential element, not to mention the fact that they feed us with energy.

As we remember, there are vegetable and animal fats. The first ones are represented by vegetable oils and nuts in all their variety. The latter are found in large quantities in butter, bacon, cheese, fermented milk products, and eggs. Note that vegetable fats take up 30-40% of the diet, and animals-60-70 %.

How to calculate fat for a specific weight? Multiply the normal weight you already know by 0.8, and you get the minimum daily allowance in grams. There are established norms for different ages. So, women under 30 years of age should consume 90-120 g of fat per day. After 30 years, the norm decreases to 80-115 g, and after 40 years – to 70 g per day.

Richness of carbohydrates

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Another important source of energy is carbohydrates, which have dozens of varieties. Based on their properties, they can be grouped into two groups: simple (fast) and complex (slow) carbohydrates. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and lactose belong to the simple ones. Complex carbohydrates are represented by starch and glycogen. Fiber and pectins are particularly valuable.

The total consumption of complex carbohydrates is 80-85 %, the remaining share is accounted for by simple carbohydrates. How to calculate carbs individually? Remember your normal weight and multiply by 2. Note also that the female body needs less carbohydrates than the male. So, on average, a man with a normal lifestyle can be content with 350-380 g of carbohydrates per day, while a woman has enough 200-250 g of carbohydrates. It is not recommended to exceed this limit, especially if you do not want to get extra pounds.

Calories for balance

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For a balanced diet, it is important not only the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also their optimal ratio. Doctors suggest to adhere to the following scheme: proteins should be allocated 30-35 % of the diet, fats-15-20 %, carbohydrates-45-50 %. You can find out the composition and caloric content of products from the energy value tables.

Now let’s figure out how to calculate calories for the day. Here we need a calculator and this formula: 655 + (9.6 × your weight in kg) + (1.8 × your height in cm) – (4.7 × age). The result is the number of calories that corresponds to the daily menu of a balanced diet. For accuracy, it is important to take into account physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, the calories obtained are multiplied by 1.2, with moderate workouts 3-4 times a week-by 1.5, with more frequent loads-by 1.7. If this arithmetic tires you, use the online calorie calculators of nutrition.

Time works for us

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To consolidate the result, adopt useful tips for the diet. Breakfast should account for 25 % of the daily diet, lunch-45 %, dinner-20 %. The remaining portion is reserved for snacks in the form of fruits, berries, nuts, natural yoghurts and energy bars. Just don’t get carried away with them too much.

Minimize your sugar intake. Harmless, at first glance, treats like candy or cookies, taken from a vase in passing, can destroy a balanced diet. The same can be said about salt. Train yourself not to add salt to ready meals and replace the usual sea salt.

Try to eat at the same time, so that the metabolism starts automatically. Observe a time distance of 2.5-3 hours between meals and sit down to dinner no later than 2 hours before going to bed. This mode will increase the effectiveness of a balanced diet.

As you can see, math can be very healthy. Accurate counting helps you easily build a balanced food system. Thanks to this, the body will always be in good shape, and you will be able to quickly get in shape without any extra effort.

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