A worthy alternative to chocolate – carob

Carob is more than just a chocolate substitute. In fact, the history of its use goes far back 4000 years. Even in the Bible there is a mention of carob as “St. John’s bread” (this is due to the belief of people that John the Baptist loved to eat carob). The Greeks were the first to cultivate the carob tree, also known as carob. The evergreen carob trees grow up to 50-55 feet tall and produce dark brown pods filled with pulp and small seeds. Nineteenth-century British apothecaries sold carob pods to singers to maintain health and soothe the throat. Carob powder can be found in health food stores and is often used in baking. Carob is an excellent substitute for cocoa powder, being high in fiber and low in fat. Carob contains antioxidants, a natural sweet taste, and is free of caffeine. Like cocoa, carob contains polyphenols, antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease. In most plants, tannins (tannins) are soluble, while in carob they are insoluble in water. Carob tannins prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. Carob bean juice is a safe and effective way to treat diarrhea in both children and adults, according to a study. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved carob as safe to prepare and eat. Carob is also approved as a food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic supplement.

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