A shampoo to beat scalp psoriasis

A shampoo to beat scalp psoriasis

With 3 million French people affected, and up to 5% of the world’s population, psoriasis is far from being an anecdotal skin disease. But it is not contagious. It can affect many parts of the body and, in half of the cases, the scalp. It then becomes particularly dry and uncomfortable. Which shampoo to apply to fight against psoriasis? What are the other solutions?

What is scalp psoriasis?

A chronic inflammatory disease with no identified cause, although it can be inherited, psoriasis does not affect everyone in the same way. Some may be affected in different places of the body by these red patches which flake off. Most often on dry areas like knees and elbows. It also often happens that only one area of ​​the body is affected.

In all cases, psoriasis, like all chronic diseases, works in more or less spaced crises.

This is the case on the scalp. As with other parts of the body, when the seizure starts, it is not only bothersome but also painful. The itching quickly becomes unbearable and the scratching causes the loss of the flakes which then resemble dandruff.

Scalp Psoriasis Treatments

Shampoo against psoriasis reimbursed

To regain a healthy scalp and space out attacks as much as possible, treatments such as shampoos are effective. To be so, they must calm the inflammation and, therefore, stop the itching. SEBIPROX 1,5% shampoo is regularly prescribed by dermatologists.

This one is used in cure of 4 weeks, at the rate of 2 to 3 times per week. However, if you want to wash your hair every day, it is still possible, but with another very mild shampoo. Do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist which would be the most gentle in your case.

Shampoos to treat psoriasis without a prescription

While psoriasis generally requires the use of a mild shampoo that does not irritate the scalp, other shampoos can treat seizures. These include shampoo with cade oil.

Cade oil, a small Mediterranean shrub, has been used since ancient times to heal the skin. Likewise, shepherds used it to treat scabies in their cattle.

Thanks to its healing, antiseptic and soothing action at the same time, it is well known to fight against psoriasis. But also dermatitis and dandruff. It ended up falling into disuse but we are now rediscovering its benefits.

However, its use must be supervised and cade oil can under no circumstances be used pure on the skin. For this reason, there is shampoos in which it is perfectly dosed to avoid any problem.

Another natural remedy seems to be paying off: the dead sea. Without having to go there – even if the cures are very popular with people who suffer from psoriasis – shampoos exist.

These shampoos contain minerals from the Dead Sea. It concentrates in fact, like no other, a very high content of salt and minerals. These gently cleanse the scalp, eliminate desquamation and rebalance it.

In the same way as a local treatment prescribed by a doctor, this type of shampoo is used as a treatment of a few weeks, 2 to 3 times a week. When a crisis occurs, you can directly start the cure to slow it down more quickly.

Reduce attacks of psoriasis on the scalp

While it is not possible to avoid all attacks of psoriasis, it is still useful to follow a few tips.

In particular, it is essential to be gentle with your scalp and to avoid the use of certain products. Indeed, many shampoos or styling products can contain allergenic and / or irritating substances. On the labels, track down these very common ingredients that are to be avoided:

  • le sodium lauryl sulfate
  • l’ammonium lauryl sulfate
  • le methylchloroisothiazolinone
  • le methylisothiazolinone

Likewise, the hair dryer should be used sparingly from a safe distance, so as not to attack the scalp. However, during seizures, it is best to let your hair air-dry, if possible.

Finally, it is fundamental to not to scratch his scalp despite the itching. This would have a counterproductive effect leading to the rebound of crises, which would last for weeks on end.

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