9 foods that will speed up your metabolism and help fight obesity

Metabolism, or metabolism, is the process by which the body converts food into energy. If you have problems with being overweight, your metabolism may need to be stimulated. Of course, no one canceled daily physical activity. But besides this, it is worth including in the diet some foods that help improve metabolism and get rid of unnecessary pounds.

So what to drink and eat to speed up your metabolism?

I’ll start with drinks.

Green tea


Drink green tea every day. It will not only give a powerful boost to your metabolism, but also saturate the body with antioxidants – catechins. Green tea, combined with moderate exercise, can significantly reduce waist fat. It is best to drink freshly brewed green tea: bottled teas tend to have a lower concentration of nutrients, not to mention the fact that sugar or artificial sweeteners are often added to it.


Oolong tea (semi-fermented tea, which in the Chinese classification is intermediate between green and red / black / teas) contains polyphenols, which block the enzymes responsible for the formation of fat. After each cup of oolong, the metabolism accelerates, and the effect lasts up to several hours. This tea contains less caffeine than black tea or coffee, so by replacing them with oolong, you will avoid excessive consumption of caffeine.

Matcha green tea

This green tea contains the polyphenols EGCG, a thermogenic compound that scientists believe to boost metabolism. Unlike other green teas, matcha is ground into a powder that dissolves completely in water. That is, when you drink it, you get along with the tea leaves and all their beneficial nutrients. Enjoy it cold – cold drinks make your body work, burning more calories. And to speed up the metabolism, you need to drink three cups of this wonderful tea a day.

Unrefined Apple Cider Vinegar

One tablespoon of this vinegar, diluted in a glass of water, helps to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar. About what else apple cider vinegar is useful for and how easy it is to make it at home, I wrote a separate post. Now is the season for local apples, it’s time to prepare vinegar for the year ahead.

Sage loose leaf tea

The compounds found in sage leaf tea help remove sugar from the body. This makes the body know that it is time to absorb the nutrients, the energy of which we will use during the day. Just one cup of this tea at breakfast will set the right pace of metabolism for the whole day.

Ice water

When we drink ice water, it causes our body to burn calories, bringing the body temperature back to normal. Eight glasses of ice cold water a day will burn nearly 70 calories! Plus, drinking a glass of ice water before meals can help you feel full faster, thus preventing overeating. Personally, I cannot drink ice water, but many people enjoy it.


And here are a few spices that help boost metabolism.

Black pepper

The next time you reach for a salt shaker, try taking a pepper mill: the alkaloid piperine, which is found in black pepper, will speed up your metabolism. And by cutting back on salt in your diet, you will reduce your sodium intake.

Hot red pepper

Chili’s pungency comes from a bioactive compound called capsaicin, which helps curb appetite by raising body temperature. In addition, the thermogenic effect of capsaicin causes the body to burn an additional 90 kcal immediately after a meal. Try to include more red peppers, cayenne peppers, jalapenos, habanero, or tabasco in your diet.



If you want food on your table to help speed up your metabolism, chop fresh ginger and sauté it with vegetables. Not only does ginger aid digestion, it can also boost your metabolic rate by as much as 20%. Ginger can be added to tea and other hot drinks.

In the next post on metabolism, I will cover simple activities and habits that help speed up your metabolism.


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