6 possible causes of fainting: a doctor’s opinion

6 possible causes of fainting: a doctor’s opinion

Fainting occurs when the cerebral circulation is impaired. There are several reasons for this.

Head of the admission department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 17

1. Osteochondrosis

Due to the pinching of blood vessels and nerves, the nutrition of the brain is disrupted, including the vertebral artery can be compressed. As a result, some parts of the brain may be over-nourished and others may not be nourished.

Harbingers of fainting are often:

  • dizziness;

  • headache;

  • pain in the cervical spine.

After such fainting spells, the patient recovers quickly.

It is necessary: consult a neurologist, do an MRI of the cervical spine.

2. Hypotension

Loss of consciousness is possible if a patient with low blood pressure follows a fairly strict diet, experiences stress.

The risk factor is bleeding.

Necessary: consult a cardiologist, take a general and biochemical blood tests, a general urine test, do an ECG.

3. Violation of cardiac activity and thromboembolism

Before losing consciousness associated with a cardiac problem, a person may feel a rapid or slow heartbeat.

It is necessary:

  • See a cardiologist.

  • Make an ECG and Holter examination, ultrasound of the heart, coronary angiography.

  • To exclude thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery or some of its branches, an ECG is performed, an ultrasound examination of the heart (determination of pressure in the pulmonary artery trunk), multispiral computed tomography of the chest organs with intravenous contrast must be done.

4. Anemia

Fainting is associated with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood.

It is necessary:

  • Initially be examined by a therapist, then depending on the results of the examinations.

  • Undergo a blood test and prescribe treatment depending on the type of anemia (iron supplements, vitamin B12, folic acid, in severe cases, blood transfusion is indicated).

  • Undergo instrumental diagnostics of the reasons for the decrease in hemoglobin – ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, kidneys and thyroid gland.

  • To exclude the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract – gastro- and colonoscopy is performed.

5. High doses of drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure

In this case, fainting spells are easily relieved.

It is necessary: be examined by a cardiologist. The doctor will usually reduce the dosage or stop the drug altogether. The intake of adsorbents can help, they reduce the absorption of the drug.

6. Decrease in blood glucose levels

Hypoglycemic syncope. This often happens as a result of the use of large doses of hypoglycemic drugs for diabetes, as well as with prolonged fasting or dieting.

It is necessary: consult an endocrinologist. Adjust the dosage of drugs, if the disease has not been previously diagnosed – test the blood for sugar.


If you see a person starting to faint:

  1. Try to grab it to protect it from injury.

  2. Lay on a flat surface, call an ambulance.

  3. Raise the victim’s legs, placing a pillow, rolled blanket, bag under them, this facilitates the outflow of blood from the lower extremities to the brain.

  4. Provide air flow by fanning the person’s face with a magazine, handkerchief.

  5. You are indoors – open the window.

  6. If there is ammonia, wipe the victim’s temples with it.

  7. If breathing stops or there is no pulse, start resuscitation measures – chest compressions and artificial respiration.

  8. Do not leave the injured person alone until the ambulance arrives, even if he regained consciousness.

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