4 types of drugs that restore joints

4 types of drugs that restore joints

Deforming osteoarthritis develops in most older people. Therefore, 80% of patients over 65 years of age need to take drugs whose action is aimed at restoring the cartilage tissue of the joints and protecting them from further destruction.

To date, it is impossible to completely cure osteoarthritis, but it is quite possible to slow down the degenerative processes and improve the patient’s quality of life.

The sooner drug therapy is started, the higher its effectiveness. Even the most modern drugs work only at stages I-II of arthrosis. If the disease has passed into stage III or IV, the treatment will be ineffective. Only a surgeon can help a person.


4 types of drugs that restore joints

Most often, patients with osteoarthritis are prescribed chondroprotectors. These drugs are aimed at restoring the cartilage tissue of the joints, they prevent their destruction, stop inflammation and even activate chondrocytes to divide. It is advisable to prescribe them to patients with early stages of arthrosis.

There are currently 3 generations of chondroprotectors available:

  1. The first generation is preparations based on natural ingredients, for example, Chondroxide or Alflutop.

  2. The second generation is monopreparations, including: Structum, Dona, Artradol.

  3. The third generation – drugs based on several active ingredients: Teraflex, Kondronova, Artra, Glucosamine-Chondroitin Plus.

The latest generation drugs are considered the most effective.

Chondroprotectors can be purchased in 3 forms of release: solutions for intramuscular injection and intraarticular administration, tablets and ointments. Solutions are rarely prescribed, although their bioavailability is higher than that of other forms. Ointments are recommended for use in the treatment of spondylosis and arthrosis of small joints.

The most prescribed form of chondroprotectors is tablets. They are recommended to be taken in courses lasting up to 3 months, 3-4 times a year.

[Video]: Boris Tsatsulin “side effects of chondroprotectors that are not talked about”

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