3 products that clean the body and speed up metabolism

Experts made a rating of the best detox products, the use of which will help to maintain health, improve health, and accelerate metabolism. Want to stay healthy, active, and slim? Often eat melon, grapes, and radish. These are the best products for gentle and natural cleansing of the body.


3 products that clean the body and speed up metabolism

The melon is all that is needed for the bowel. Melon takes cholesterol, reduces the weight. It has a lot of fiber and increases intestinal peristalsis. But most importantly, the melon has a diuretic effect, which means it cleans the kidneys and excretes all the toxins. The best time to eat the melon between Breakfast and lunch. Not recommended to use it with honey, alcohol, dairy products“.

What is useful in melon? Melon is rich in vitamins PP, E, B, and C and minerals such as carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and others. Vitamin C in it is 20 times more than citrus fruits. And silicon, which is needed for the active work of the brain and nervous system, 17 times richer than milk!

How to choose?

  • Choose fruits with a dry and a thick tail.
  • Ripe cantaloupe should have a pronounced pleasant aroma and to the touch to be slightly elastic.
  • If you feel unpleasant notes in the smell, so she’s already or overripe, or spoiled.
  • Do not buy a melon that has a surface with cracks, dents, or signs of mold.
  • Be attentive to the pulp – there should be no brown spots and white veins.


3 products that clean the body and speed up metabolism

Grapes are useful for everything from skins to bones, to the body in whole. The strength of the influence of the grapes on the body depends not only on the freshness and quality of the product but also on the frequency of use and the amount ingested. Daily it is recommended to eat about 0.5 kg of grapes together with the skins and seeds. Last, be sure to chew, because in the seed contains 90% of vitamins. The use of whole berries normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes heart rhythm, cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and restores the elasticity of their walls“.

What is useful?

Grapes contain organic acids, fiber, especially a lot of vitamins C and K. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health, and vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports the elasticity of the skin.

The grapes also normalize the heart, prevent the formation of stones and sand in kidneys, and the pectin contained in the berries, excrete toxins, and harmful metals.

How to choose?

  • Choose grapes, berries that the elastic to hold tight on the bunch.
  • The grape has a white patina and is a sign of freshness.
  • It is better to take a bunch, a crest that is green if it is dry – the grapes are cut long.
  • Do not buy the grapes, if he has damaged skin, or on the berries is mold.
  • If you see the characteristic white spots on the skin – it is talking about excess processing chemicals


3 products that clean the body and speed up metabolism

Radish perfectly clean intestines, has a choleretic effect. It is volatile and essential oils that help to dissolve kidney stones and improve the metabolic processes in the body. Also, the radish has a diuretic effect, it good for cystitis, prostatitis, hypertensive disease, and for people with excessive weight is a great tool for weight loss. The daily rate of consumption – 50-100 grams“.

What is useful? Radish contains high calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. The root is also a lot of useful organic acids, essential oils, enzymes, trace elements, and necessary for the body vitamins. The characteristic bitterness of the radish gives a mustard oil, which is diuretic and cholagogue, and normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The radish can be included in the diet as a means of prevention of atherosclerosis, kidney stones. Regular consumption of radish prevents the appearance of plaque on the walls of blood vessels.

How to choose?

  • Preference should be given to middle-sized roots. Very large vegetables are too juicy and the flesh is hard.
  • Elastic fruit is the most correct and useful radish, as the concentration of the vitamins and necessary substances in the sluggish fruit is much smaller.
  • The roots should be undamaged and their surfaces are smooth.
  • Unacceptable the presence of mold.

About 10 most common detox foods watch in the video below:


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