3 natural drinks for arthritis

“Food should be your medicine, and medicine should be your food.” Fortunately, nature offers us a huge arsenal of “medicines” that can significantly improve the condition of various diseases and even cure them completely. Today we’re going to take a look at three beverages that soothe arthritis pain. A wonderful drink with anti-inflammatory properties. For its preparation you will need: – fresh ginger root (alternatively – turmeric) – 1 cup blueberries – 1/4 pineapple – 4 celery stalks Mix all ingredients in a blender. The drink is ready to drink. This recipe offers not only a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole, but also reduces blood cholesterol levels. You will need: – ginger root – sliced ​​apple – three carrots, chopped Blend the above ingredients in a blender. Ginger-carrot juice has an alkalizing effect on the body. This delicious drink is very simple, it consists of only two ingredients. – ginger root – half a pineapple, cut into pieces So, the above three recipes provide natural relief for arthritis and are recommended by the notorious naturopath Michael Murray.

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