3 hamburgers per week: maximum amount of meat to eat is named

Three hamburgers a week is the maximum amount of meat a European can afford, according to environmental organization Greenpeac. Only in this way, according to ecologists, it is possible to influence the destruction of the climate, as well as to have a positive effect on human health. 

Writes about this agroportal.ua with reference to EURACTIV.

Greenpeace proposes to cut meat consumption by 2030% by 70 and by 2050% by 80.

The organization cites the following figures: the average European eats 1,58 kg of meat per week. For example, among Europeans, the French occupy the 6th place in the world in terms of meat consumption, namely up to 83 kg per person per year. For comparison, the Spaniards eat more than 100 kg of meat, while the Bulgarians only 58 kg.


The world’s leading medical journal The Lancet recommends reducing meat consumption to 2050 grams per week per person by 300 in terms of health benefits. The magazine notes, “A diet rich in plant foods brings real health and climate benefits,” and mentions that a predominantly vegetarian diet will feed 10 billion people.

Greenpeace is also asking the European Commission to take this issue more seriously, given that 2/3 of Europe’s agricultural area is currently occupied by livestock, contributing to water and environmental pollution.

We will remind, earlier we told why not everyone remains vegetarians, and also wrote about the unusual milk for vegetarians, created in Sweden. 

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