20 years

20 years

They talk about 20 years …

«I was twenty years old. I won’t let nobody say it’s the best age of life“, Paul Nizan (1905-1940) in Aden Arabia

At 20, a month seemed long to me, today he barely passed out. There are as many times as there are ages.” From Françoise Giroud / Gais-z-et-content

Give me your twenties if you don’t. ” From Jacques de Lacretelle / Speech in verse on false sorrows

« At twenty you don’t doubt anything, especially yourself! » Charlotte savary

What do you die of at 20?

The main causes of death at the age of 20 are unintentional injuries (car accidents, falls, etc.) at 41%, followed by suicides at 10%, then cancers, homicides, cardiovascular diseases and illnesses. complications of pregnancy.

At 20, there are about 58 years left to live for men and 65 years for women. The probability of dying at age 20 is 0,04% for women and 0,11% for men.

Sexuality at 20

In general, men are at their peak of sexual performance in their twenties. For women, genital pleasure develops more gradually and often does not reach its peak until around age 30, provided they have accumulated personal experiences pleasant relationships and erotics.

Learning theorgasm being more complex in women than in men, the young man can help his partner to develop his genitality. It is also one of the great desires and pleasures of man to ensure that his partner experiences the same intense pleasures that he feels genitally.

For his part, the boy must stop thinking that the girl has the same desire and the same libido than him. He must remain open to what she can bring him in the fields of sensuality,  tenderness, intimacy and feelings. He can also learn from her the delight of letting himself to desire, to cultivate the expectation, to make the pleasure last, to play, to laugh. This is an opportunity for many women to stop hoping for the arrival of the perfect man …

Gynecology at 20

From the age of 20, it is recommended for women to perform consultation per year for perform a frottis which will make it possible to detect any anomalies, and if necessary, to deepen the examinations.

breast palpation will be done on this occasion to detect a potential lump.

This annual consultation is an opportunity to discuss questions relating to menstruation, sex life, desire to have a baby, etc.

The remarkable points of the twenties

Between 20 and 30 years old, we would have on average about twenty friends on whom to count, these can change from year to year. From the age of 30, this figure gradually drops to 15, then drops to 10 after 70, and finally drops to 5 only after 80 years.

A brain in top form? The brain would be at the maximum of its cognitive capacities, that is to say its faculty to process information and to react to it, at 24 years old. A study indicates that after this average age, he will never perceive data so well.

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