Pasta Question: Is Pasta Still Healthy?

Pasta is a famous pasta from Italy. Pasta is made from flour and water. Egg products and other ingredients for flavor and color are often added, such as spinach or carrots. There are two dozen varieties of pasta that differ in shape, size, color and composition. Pasta is usually based on durum wheat flour, also known as durum. What does it mean? Durum wheat varieties are rich in gluten (gluten), protein and are used for the production of premium pasta. Semolina, bulgur and couscous are produced from durum varieties. Soft varieties of wheat differ from durum varieties, from which bread and confectionery products are made. Inexpensive types of pasta are often made from soft varieties – it turns out cheaper and easier to produce. 

What kind of paste is useful? 

● made from durum wheat

● containing whole grains 

Pasta made from regular wheat flour fills you up faster and is cheap, so demand is unlikely to ever drop. But white refined flour is not the best choice for a healthy diet. In fact, these are empty carbohydrates, which, according to studies, depress the immune system and provoke weight gain. Whole grains are much healthier: unrefined grains contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and all the natural power of the plant. Durum wheats are also cleaned, so look for the “whole grain” label on pasta packaging. Whole grains lower blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and may prevent the formation of malignant tumors. The choice is obvious! 

Carbohydrates in pasta 

Our body primarily needs carbohydrates. Absolutely all systems of our body function on them. Even if you’re not going to follow extreme carb diets like 80/10/10, carbs should still make up the bulk of your diet. One serving of pasta contains an average of 30-40 g of carbohydrates – a fifth of the daily minimum for an adult. You definitely won’t leave hungry! Whole grain pasta is a complex carbohydrate that regulates blood sugar levels, preventing them from rising and falling sharply. Pasta made from ordinary white flour – simple carbohydrates, after which hunger quickly sets in. Therefore, whole grain pasta is most preferable if you want to eat a balanced diet. 

Wheat Pasta Alternative 

If you have gluten intolerance or want to diversify your diet, pay attention to corn, rice and bean flour funchose. Corn and rice are gluten-free, and their pasta is just as delicious as classic wheat pasta. In addition, alternative pasta is combined with most products. Funchoza is, in fact, instant noodles in the most useful performance. It contains only bean flour, starch and water. Funchoza is ideally combined with soy sauce, tofu and is prepared in just a couple of minutes. 

How to make pasta healthier 

Pasta in Italy is a high-calorie and rather fatty dish. In traditional recipes, pasta is served with meat or fish and a creamy sauce, which is not a healthy combination. The ideal option is pasta with vegetables. The sauce can be made with coconut cream, and instead of hard cheese or parmesan, add feta or cheese for taste. Traditionally, pasta is seasoned with olive oil, but you can omit it or choose a high quality cold-pressed oil. By the way, real olive oil cannot cost less than 1000 rubles for a half-liter bottle. Anything cheaper is most likely diluted with other vegetable oils – soybean or sunflower. Substitution is difficult for an ordinary person to recognize. 


Pasta is useful, but not all. Choose whole grain durum wheat pasta or other grain alternatives. As with any dish, know the measure. Then the paste will be the most useful for your body. 

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