16th week of pregnancy (18 weeks)

16th week of pregnancy (18 weeks)

16 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

In this 16th week of pregnancy (18 weeks), the baby measures 17 cm and weighs 160 g.

Its various organs continue to mature.

His back, hitherto bent, straightens.

The body of the fetus at 16 weeks, with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, is completely covered with a fine down, the lanugo. This will fall off at birth but it can persist in some parts of the body, especially if the baby arrives a little early. A waxy, whitish substance, vernix caseosa, also covers the baby’s skin and protects it from the amniotic fluid in which it bathes. On each of the fingers are hollowed out his fingerprints.

Le 16 week fetushe moves more and more and these movements contribute to the increase of his muscle mass and the proper functioning of his joints. However, sleeping remains his main activity, with no less than 20 hours of daily sleep.

If it is a girl, the cavity of the vagina widens.

Where is the mother’s body at 16 weeks pregnant?

When the pregnant woman is at 18 weeks of amenorrhea (16 SG), the production of progesterone by the placenta is intense. This hormone, which helps maintain pregnancy, also has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, in particular to reduce contractions of the uterus during pregnancy. Other side of the coin: it causes the relaxation of other smooth muscles such as those of the stomach or intestine, then slowing gastric emptying and intestinal transit, with the key to acid reflux and constipation.

Au 4th month of pregnancy, it is possible to already feel some contractions. If they are isolated and not painful, nothing abnormal. If not, a consultation is necessary in order to rule out any threat of premature delivery (PAD).


Which foods to favor at 16 weeks of pregnancy (18 weeks)?

If a woman, three months pregnant, suffers from acid reflux or constipation, it is possible to improve this condition. Eating a diet rich in fiber and getting enough magnesium can not only prevent constipation, but also lower the risk of pregnancy hemorrhoids. As is often said, good hydration (1,5 L per day) helps prevent constipation. Water enriched with magnesium is ideal, because this trace element promotes transit. Fiber is also a friend of the intestines because it retains water and accelerates intestinal transit. Fiber is found mainly in fruits and vegetables, preferably in season. They are also found in legumes (peas, lentils, etc.), in oilseeds (nuts, almonds, etc.) and in whole grains (oats, bran, etc.). It is therefore quite easily that expectant mothers suffering from constipation, generally from the 4th month of pregnancy, can begin to alleviate these inconveniences. 

Regarding acid reflux, potatoes, fruits and vegetables can limit them. It remains to be careful to avoid certain foods, too acidic for the stomach of pregnant women: sodas, spicy or too rich dishes, coffee or even refined sugars.

16 weeks pregnant (18 weeks): how to adapt?

Pregnant 18 weeks of amenorrhea (16 SG), the future mother begins to realize the pregnancy and needs to be in her cocoon. Prenatal massage can help. It invites relaxation. Also, the body of a pregnant woman changes dramatically over the months, with its share of joy and discomfort. The prenatal massage allows the body to be soothed and well nourished thanks to a vegetable oil.


Things to remember at 18:XNUMX PM

  • go to the consultation of 4th month, second of the 7 compulsory prenatal visits. The medical examination systematically includes weighing, taking the blood pressure, measuring the uterine height, listening to the baby’s heart via a Doppler or the ear, and a vaginal examination in order to detect a possible abnormality of the cervix. uterine. Note, however: some practitioners do not perform systematic vaginal examination at each visit, because its usefulness has not been proven in the absence of clinical signs (abdominal pain, contractions, bleeding). During this 4th month visit, the results of the combined screening for Down’s syndrome will be analyzed. Beyond a risk of 21/1, an amniocentesis will be proposed, but the mother-to-be remains free to accept it or not;
  • make an appointment for the second pregnancy ultrasound to be performed around 22 SA ;
  • find out about the provisions for pregnant women in their collective agreement. Some provide for a reduction in work from the 4th month;
  • finalize registration in the maternity ward.


From 16 weeks pregnant (18 weeks), it is good to think about how you breastfeed, knowing that it will always be possible to change your mind at the time of birth. It is an intimate decision that is up to the mother and herself. No preparation is necessary for breastfeeding, other than getting information in order to fully understand how breastfeeding works and in particular the importance of breastfeeding on demand and a good position at the breast. . Breastfeeding support associations (Leache League, COFAM), IBCLC lactation consultants and midwives are the privileged partners of this information.

And they have 2nd trimester of pregnancy, continuing to work is difficult or dangerous (chemical inhalation, night work, carrying a heavy load, prolonged standing, etc.), article L.122-25-1 of the Labor Code provides for the possibility of to benefit from a job adjustment, without reduction in salary. To do this, the pregnancy must be medically verified using the pregnancy declaration form or a medical certificate from the doctor. A second medical certificate must explain the various points of the position incompatible with pregnancy. Accompanied by a letter setting out these various points and the desired workstation layout, this medical certificate must be sent to the employer, by registered letter preferably with acknowledgment of receipt. In theory, the employer cannot refuse this job adaptation. If he is unable to offer him another job, he must inform the mother-to-be in writing of the reasons preventing reclassification. The employment contract is then suspended, and the employee benefits from a guarantee of remuneration made up of daily allowances from the CPAM and an additional salary paid by the employer.

To prevent constipation, the usual hygienic-dietetic rules are required: eat a diet rich in fiber (fruits and vegetables, semi-complete or whole grains), drink enough water, walk for half an hour each day. If the measurements are insufficient, it is possible to take laxatives. Mild laxatives are preferred: mucilage-type ballast laxative (sterculia, ispaghul, psyllium, guar or bran gum) or osmotic laxative (polyethylene glycol or PEG, lactulose, lactitol or sorbitol) (1). On the side of alternative medicine:

  • in homeopathy: take systematically Sepia officinalis 7 CH et Nux vomica 5 CH, 5 granules of each 3 times a day before meals. Depending on the appearance of the stool and other associated symptoms, other remedies will be recommended: Collinsonia canadensis 5 CH 5 granules morning and evening in case of hemorrhoids; Hydrastis canadensis 5 CH in case of hard stools without the urge to go to the toilet (2).
  • in herbal medicine, mallow and marshmallow contain mucilages which will act as a laxative of ballast.

Pictures of the 16-week-old fetus

Pregnancy week by week: 

14th week of pregnancy

15th week of pregnancy

17th week of pregnancy

18th week of pregnancy


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